Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By Monkey_Out
Has anyone got the parody of that - was one of the funniest things i heard on the show for a while.<P>I'm out for revision you'll be pleased to know, just after i see whether anyone has got that parody on mp3.........hmm
By the_dr
I second that request. I heard Chris annouce he was going to play it a few days ago and I heard it when he played it early in Fridays show. I was away from my house at the time, but I thought I was recording the show so I didn't worry about it - until I came home and discovered my computer had crashed during the day  <IMG SRC=""><P>So, if anybody got it... please, please upload it - it came out of the blue I know, and he usual playsd his parodies later in the show on Fridays.<P>the_dr
By monkey (Guest)
that's what's so funny about it. it's a farce of a song as it is, but moyles shows up how truly stupid it sounds by adding his own inane lyrics. moyles so quickly was funny in itself
By the_dr
Moyles did a kiss ass interview with one of the MCs on Fridays show saying "I hope it goes to number 1", a few weeks after absolutely slating it saying "Thats fantastic isn't it?" which is his usual reply to songs he is forced to play by management. I'm reserving my judgement of the parody until I hear it again - when it was played I was listening to it on my crappy walkman. It seemed quite a good parody from what I heard, unlike Stanta. I challenge you to listen to Stanta again, do it now. I bet you don't laugh once. It is not funny anymore. I don't know whether it is just me, or whether the original being played to death had anything to do with it - but i just don't find it funny anymore. <P>I think the original Do you really like it was funny as it is, I thought it was a pisstake the first time I heard it 2 months ago on a garage compilation. The reason it was released is because its different, its catchy and thats all a record needs to be released these days. Okay, so it isn't a masterpiece, but it's not supposed to be. I don't thing the Piped Piper is taking himself seriously, and neither is Chris - he is just parodying something which needs to be parodied.<P>Anyway, talking about M&L 0- anybody got the new Shirehorses album, Kid Aye Up?<P>the_dr
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By Eddie
I have got the new shire horses album, it's really good but just one thing, where did you get yours from because the one I have and the one on general release is called "Our kid eh" not kid ay up!<br>Just thought I'd let you know!  :)<P>Eddie
and when you do, you're going to record and upload the songs for us freeloaders aren't you?<P> <IMG SRC=""> <P><p>[This message has been edited by Tom Murphy (edited 20 May 2001).]
By the_dr
Err.. I could do, but why doesn't Eddie?? I can sort you out with some space to put it Eddie - and software (obviously <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A>  I need the album!<P>the_dr
By Guest
I'm outta here. Back on 21st June. (yeah right i'll be back here tomorrow knowing <I>my</I> will power)<P>Could someone please e-mail me if:<P>1. any revelations on the "uploading scam" - as it's know on the street.<br>2. someone has uploaded the pied piper parody. <P>E-mail:  <A HREF=""></A> <P>-I shall now go and baracade myself in my room with several tins of baked beans and some jazz mags.  <P><B>cold tukey method begins</B><P>
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By Eddie
Hey "the _Dr" I went to that web space that you sent me the address to in an email and when I try to add a new folder to put the MP3's in it says I'm not allowed or something. what am i doing wrong?<P>Eddie
By the_dr
Eddie: I don't know what you're doing wrong - I can create folders easily, I have just created one called "eddie" - you could upload it there if you want.<P>Thanks (it's very much appriciated),<br>the_dr
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By Eddie
I still can't create folders and when I try and add MP3's to the "eddie" folder it says "Chesck you have permission to upload files to this server" Do I have to log in, how do i do this, what as?<P>Help Me!!!<P>Eddie
DR: If you set up FTP space on a static IP check u gave him write access to the writable area, or didnt lock the top level of the area, as that locks subsequent lower levels.<P>EDDIE: If Dr gave you a login to use via an FTP program, then make sure you type it case sensitive, and also use the right port, although the fact you can view and not write deems you can log in ok.  Sounds like a sharing issue to me
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By Eddie
I was not given a log in name or password or anything, I'm very new to this and I haven't a clue what I am doing. I can view all the folders on the site but I can not create new ones or add things to the folders there!<P>Eddie

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