Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Craggles
Now this might sound strange but i believe that it is true. Strange enough the three ginger people that i know all appear to suffer from this problem. E.g, thinking shes a man, crying for days and then laughing hysterically for no reason. Does anyone else have this problem with people they know?
By Very_upset_Ginger_person
I am extremely upset about this topic. As you can probably guess from the name, I am ginger. <P>I believe that this is both insulting and gingerist. You should not be allowed to post such terrible things about us gingers. It should be against the law. I'm now going to have to go because my tears are blinding me. I will be crying for days on end because of these terrible things you have said about me and the rest of my species.
By Very_happy_Ginger_person
Oh dear oh dear oh dear!!<P>You people are all so silly! Of course we gingers don't have personality problems. As I said previously, it is a bit of a silly thing to say is it not??<P>But hey, it's all in a bit of fun, so I'm sure I can let it ride for now lol.<P>Very funny Craggles. Good sense of humour you have there!<P> :)
By Ginger_man
OK, so I am not actually a man, on the outside at least. But I can very much guarentee you that I am very much a man when you get down to the erm, real stuff.<br> <IMG SRC=""><P>So Craggles, I guess seeing as I've posted three times now, you have to admit, we do not have personality problems at all. We are all just as perfectly normal as anyone else!
By Ginger_man
OK, so I am not actually a man, on the outside at least. But I can very much guarentee you that I am very much a man when you get down to the erm, real stuff.<br> <IMG SRC=""><P>So Craggles, I guess seeing as I've posted three times now, you have to admit, we do not have personality problems at all. We are all just as perfectly normal as anyone else!
By Spankstar
I think that Craggles has a very valid pointmin saying that gingers have apersonality problem. It is obvious that the same person has posted four or so replies and that shows a severe charcter disorder. Also why be Happy, very angry and sad ginger person?

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]