The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By WeekendAtBernies
Topher wrote:
WeekendAtBernies wrote:I still can't believe that voice belongs to that face

Pretty uncalled for. Grow up.

I presume you lost your sense of humour when the team took the michael out of her voice as well then? For such a lovely looking lady she doesn't have the voice you'd expect
By JayE
WeekendAtBernies wrote:
Topher wrote:
WeekendAtBernies wrote:I still can't believe that voice belongs to that face

Pretty uncalled for. Grow up.

I presume you lost your sense of humour when the team took the michael out of her voice as well then?

Nah, he loved that. But it's a no go on here clearly.
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By Nicola_Red
Hi Pippa! So nice to see you on here.

I'm sure you have read some of the criticism of the show on the General Discussion thread and I have certainly participated in that recently. I'm sure you remember the tribute book I made for the final R1 show too, so you know I've been a loyal, long time fan. Hence I try to keep the criticism constructive!

A lot of us recently have had issues with the number and repetition of ads on X and we all know that's something you guys have no influence over. Do you feel you, Chris and Dom (Dave doesn't really count as his background is in commercial radio) have adapted well to the rhythm of 'ads every 15mins or so' that the show dictates? I often feel like they interrupt Chris' flow and stop the show feeling as spontaneous and friendly as the old show did. Would you agree with that? Is it something you're still learning to work around?
By welshblob
Misfit wrote:
welshblob wrote: I've love someone to explain Rajars and the FM vs DAB and BBC vs Commercial expectations.

Hope that helps.

Not really, thanks for the effort though. Maybe I should have phrased my question better as I've clearly come across as some sort of halfwit who doesn't know what FM or DAB is!

Nicola_Red wrote: .... A lot of us recently have had issues with the number and repetition of ads on X .....

I'd be wary to speak on behalf of others as do they all actually agree with your statement and how many exactly are "A lot". My opinion on ads is that they are inevitable and I don't overly notice them and its a small price to pay to have Moyles back on the radio although I do accept others may disagree.

I have to say that I will stay clear of certain "trade only" companies and ensure that any trades I employ never use their services. Yes I'm looking at you Selco where the f*cking trade go .... and not me the general public. You exclusive bunch of tossers I guess my money, which clearly isn't good enough for you, will have to go to toolstation or screwfix then ! Same goes for howdens although they don't advertise on Radio X. Sorry I just needed to get that off my chest.

So i notice wifey, sorry i meant pippa, hasn't replied to me yet :twisted:
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By MitchOnAStick
Fair play to Pippa (writing this like she's not reading it) for jumping on after I accused the team of paying no heed to these forums. Now I just need my "£5 says Kat Dennings never turns up on my doorstep with a boombox playing Peter Gabriel" reverse psychology to pay off and I'll die a happy man.

It's cool to have you around, Pippa, particularly as a fellow wrestling fan (Adam Rose though, FFS really?! It's all about NXT...). This is one of the things that Aled did really well so it's admirable of you to carry that on - even if I'm not holding my breath for chatroom meet-ups any time soon :D
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By neilt0
Oh, the Wifey and Toby saga has had me laughing harder than at anything else on the new show. Long may it continue. Along with Pippa's Tinder Adventures.

Who cares what Papa Pippa thinks? /Comedy Dave (RIP)
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By Nicola_Red
welshblob wrote:I'd be wary to speak on behalf of others as do they all actually agree with your statement and how many exactly are "A lot". My opinion on ads is that they are inevitable and I don't overly notice them and its a small price to pay to have Moyles back on the radio although I do accept others may disagree.

You're asking me how many 'a lot' is? Really? If you're asking me to go through the forum and count the number of posts that mention the issue, I'm not gonna do it. I'm happy to state for the record that this number does not include you, if that's what you want.
By welshblob
Nicola_Red wrote:
welshblob wrote:I'd be wary to speak on behalf of others as do they all actually agree with your statement and how many exactly are "A lot". My opinion on ads is that they are inevitable and I don't overly notice them and its a small price to pay to have Moyles back on the radio although I do accept others may disagree.

You're asking me how many 'a lot' is? Really? If you're asking me to go through the forum and count the number of posts that mention the issue, I'm not gonna do it. I'm happy to state for the record that this number does not include you, if that's what you want.

You stated "a lot" so how many is it? If you can't quantify it then don't state it, just put your opinion and say that you have seen others voice a similar concerns.

Just so everyone is clear on this its "a lot" - 1. I'm glad we're getting down to specifics
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By MitchOnAStick
welshblob wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:
welshblob wrote:I'd be wary to speak on behalf of others as do they all actually agree with your statement and how many exactly are "A lot". My opinion on ads is that they are inevitable and I don't overly notice them and its a small price to pay to have Moyles back on the radio although I do accept others may disagree.

You're asking me how many 'a lot' is? Really? If you're asking me to go through the forum and count the number of posts that mention the issue, I'm not gonna do it. I'm happy to state for the record that this number does not include you, if that's what you want.

You stated "a lot" so how many is it? If you can't quantify it then don't state it, just put your opinion and say that you have seen others voice a similar concerns.

Just so everyone is clear on this its "a lot" - 1. I'm glad we're getting down to specifics

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By Nicola_Red
welshblob wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:
welshblob wrote:I'd be wary to speak on behalf of others as do they all actually agree with your statement and how many exactly are "A lot". My opinion on ads is that they are inevitable and I don't overly notice them and its a small price to pay to have Moyles back on the radio although I do accept others may disagree.

You're asking me how many 'a lot' is? Really? If you're asking me to go through the forum and count the number of posts that mention the issue, I'm not gonna do it. I'm happy to state for the record that this number does not include you, if that's what you want.

You stated "a lot" so how many is it? If you can't quantify it then don't state it, just put your opinion and say that you have seen others voice a similar concerns.

Just so everyone is clear on this its "a lot" - 1. I'm glad we're getting down to specifics

Do not tell me what I can and can't state please. So if I say "I've seen others..." as you prefer - how many others? What's the difference between "a lot" and "others", in your mind?

What is with everyone at the moment? I'm sick of needless snark. Chris or I will tell anyone if they have posted something that contravenes the rules, which is *extremely* rare. Otherwise we are all free to post what we like.
By Misfit
Nicola_Red wrote:
welshblob wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:
You're asking me how many 'a lot' is? Really? If you're asking me to go through the forum and count the number of posts that mention the issue, I'm not gonna do it. I'm happy to state for the record that this number does not include you, if that's what you want.

You stated "a lot" so how many is it? If you can't quantify it then don't state it, just put your opinion and say that you have seen others voice a similar concerns.

Just so everyone is clear on this its "a lot" - 1. I'm glad we're getting down to specifics

Do not tell me what I can and can't state please. So if I say "I've seen others..." as you prefer - how many others? What's the difference between "a lot" and "others", in your mind?

What is with everyone at the moment? I'm sick of needless snark. Chris or I will tell anyone if they have posted something that contravenes the rules, which is *extremely* rare. Otherwise we are all free to post what we like.

Can I state I agree.

This whole thread reminds me of Chris's curry rant
By welshblob
Nicola_Red wrote:
welshblob wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:
You're asking me how many 'a lot' is? Really? If you're asking me to go through the forum and count the number of posts that mention the issue, I'm not gonna do it. I'm happy to state for the record that this number does not include you, if that's what you want.

You stated "a lot" so how many is it? If you can't quantify it then don't state it, just put your opinion and say that you have seen others voice a similar concerns.

Just so everyone is clear on this its "a lot" - 1. I'm glad we're getting down to specifics

Do not tell me what I can and can't state please.

I'm entitled to my opinion thanks, just as you are entitled to yours.

Nicola_Red wrote:So if I say "I've seen others..." as you prefer - how many others?

I don't know and from what you stated above neither do you ..... see below

Nicola_Red wrote: What's the difference between "a lot" and "others", in your mind?

"a lot" is trying to imply there are a relatively high number of people who share the same opinion
"others" means there are other people who share the opinion but without trying imply that the number is high as you have no way of measuring it as you've said above.

Nicola_Red wrote: What is with everyone at the moment? I'm sick of needless snark. Chris or I will tell anyone if they have posted something that contravenes the rules, which is *extremely* rare. Otherwise we are all free to post what we like.

This is not about contravening rules, its about making a statement that infers there are a high number of people who share your opinion that, by your own admission, you have no way of quantifying.

Anyway that's the last I'm going to say on this other than I am not chrisjames.
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By Yudster
This reminds me of the old days of Nic-baiting on this site - ah, nostalgia!
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By Nicola_Red
It does, doesn't it? Who remembers the "you're not loyal if you listen to Grimmy" debacle? Ah, memories. I care less about this stuff these days, though.
By bringiton
I know how to solve the mess of this whole show lately... the cheesy song ;) things have not been the same since. I know you guys went for the change because change can be good and moving on from Radio 1 but the show just does not work lets be honest. So listening to the fans and bringing back the stuff we loved about the show i.e. Catchphrase, Tarzan, new really bad daily games etc. can't be that bad surely?

Wish you all the best with it though (:
By DarroM
bringiton wrote:I know how to solve the mess of this whole show lately... the cheesy song ;) things have not been the same since. I know you guys went for the change because change can be good and moving on from Radio 1 but the show just does not work lets be honest. So listening to the fans and bringing back the stuff we loved about the show i.e. Catchphrase, Tarzan, new really bad daily games etc. can't be that bad surely?

Wish you all the best with it though (:

Did anyone here actually like Celebrity Tarzan? I hated Celebrity Raspberry when I listened to it when it was on and the former when i listened to the archives. The fact that no clues were given (Tarzan, clues were done for Raspberry) made a few of them go on for weeks at a time. People on here might have liked them but they are two of my least favourite features the old show did.

Can't say what the show is like currently since I am only on April but seems to me from people on here that the show hasn't changed much and that certain features are outstaying their welcome etc. I enjoy what I listen to for the most part but it is missing a certain 'je ne sais quoi'.
By Harry Briggs
I liked Celebrity Raspberry I have to admit, I don't know whether it was just the jingle however! I'd like to hear more sung jingles on the show, they were one of the best parts of the old show.
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By Yudster
The things that people are saying they miss most - cheesy song, sung jingles, old features etc - were all things that Comedy Dave was heavily involved in so I doubt we'll be seeing anything like that back.
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By Nicola_Red
I can't say as I was a huge fan of Tarzan or Raspberry, and I never heard Catchphrase live as I start work at 9.30, but wasn't particularly bothered about that. I did used to like Classical Class, Tedious (obvs) and I still like Rob's quiz - it just needs an extra player these days.

I have said in the past that I think the new show would benefit from more structured features, but I'm okay with them being new ones. I liked the Sample Game the first time they played it, but the past couple of times Chris has sounded bored with it. I like Pippa playing the flute, and Celebrity Leicester Squares. I HATE Reverse Words cos it's so cringey, especially making prank calls with it. Does anyone remember Chris ever making prank calls on the old show? Sting Ring I guess, there may have been others I've forgotten. They feel very 'local radio' and time-wasting-cos-we-have-no-better-ideas to me. I also thought they had fallen out of favour since that Australian station/Kate Middleton hospital debacle.
By Randomisation20
Loved Classical Class as was driving through Exmoor a lot when listening to that period and loved Clare De Lune - they stopped that feature sometime around the German World Cup era - a shame they did

Saturday is up