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By Badger Mark
I'm not one for resolutions either - but I do plan on getting back onto my diet. My wife went nuts with the holiday baking and I've not been eating well for the last several weeks.
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By Nicola_Red
To be more positive, creative and open minded. Also to try to eat more intuitively, and arthritis allowing, to get back to running.
I can try to listen to new music but probably something either on the internet radio stations like SomaFM or give 6 Music a try. One Direction and Justin Bieber aren't my thing. I also am going to explore some older music. After downloading an AC/DC Christmas song I would like to explore their lesser known songs.
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By Yudster
Nicola_Red wrote:........arthritis allowing, to get back to running.

Be careful! There aren't many things more harmful to even healthy load-bearing joints than running. Fast walking or cycling are much better - or if you can stand the boredom of it, swimming.

I want to get back to playing racketball regularly, and hopefully squash too. Time has been the issue, just need to think creatively to overcome that.
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By Boboff
I am going to stop smoking, drinking, loose 5 stone, be healthy and active.

No No really I am this year going to do it...............
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By Yudster
You ARE healthy and active though. Which means the other stuff isn't so harmful.
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By Nicola_Red
Yudster wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:........arthritis allowing, to get back to running.

Be careful! There aren't many things more harmful to even healthy load-bearing joints than running. Fast walking or cycling are much better - or if you can stand the boredom of it, swimming.

Alas, cos my left knee only bends 80 degrees I can't cycle - can't bend the knee enough to actually pedal! Very annoying as I did used to cycle when I was a teenager, but it's a solid block of scar tissue, there's no way around it. I do hate swimming, even though I know it's the best thing for one's joints.

Running is genuinely the only exercise I've ever enjoyed - I have done some research and apparently I can't actually make my arthritis any worse, but I can obviously cause myself unneccessary pain. The problem is that my pain is so unpredictable - I can be fine for literally months, then suddenly in pain every time I walk for weeks. It's very frustrating. At the moment I'm completely unfit and I would like to feel like I can run for a tram without hyperventilating!
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By Yudster
I can't run any more but I think regular fast walking might be an option for me. The only problem is that it takes a long time! Again, need to get life organised.
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By Bruvva
Deadly wrote:I want to have as much sex as possible with as many different woman as I can.

Punternet's over that way, just make sure you've got your credit card :P (Don't go to punternet on a work pc, people).
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By Bruvva
Ah, you'd be turning down the delights of Sam, Issabelle, Di and Saffron then...
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By The Deadly
Bruvva wrote:Ah, you'd be turning down the delights of Sam, Issabelle, Di and Saffron then...

I'll tell you what lets go halves on one of them and just tag in and out.
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By a-moron
Deadly wrote:I want to have as much sex as possible with as many different woman as I can.

It's not all it's cracked up to be.




That's a term for lady penis.
By JayE
theflyingbadger wrote:
Deadly wrote:I want to have as much sex as possible with as many different woman as I can.

It's not all it's cracked up to be.




That's a term for lady penis.

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By Johnny 1989
Happy New Year Ladies And Gents.

Mine are the usual boring old shite:

Lose 3-5 stone
Hopefully get a girlfriend
Not let the silly things wind me up too much
Learn to drive

How many of those will be successful remains to be seen :lol:
By JayE
neilt0 wrote:
JayE wrote:Almost the new year. What new years resolutions do you have?


Is this a maths question?
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By Nicola_Red
Johnny 1989 wrote:Hopefully get a girlfriend

I don't think you can really resolve to get a girlfriend. You can resolve to put yourself out there more, do more social activities etc and/or make yourself more emotionally available, but these things just happen when they're meant to happen, I think. Bearing in mind I'm now in love with someone I've been friends with for ten years - if you'd told me this time last year that I'd be in this situation now, I'd have laughed at you :)
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By Bruvva
Run more (first run in 4 months yesterday thanks to a fractured metatarsal and a gammy knee), eat a bit less...I did consider "be nicer to people" but that would be more a complete personality change as opposed to a resolution so decided against it.

Small gap in editing to come