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By daveG
If you draw a line on a map of England between the mouth of the river Tees and Exmouth you have the Tees-Ex line, a line that divides Highland England from Lowland England...its a geographical certainty that never fails, we English just choose not to point it out when you cross it.
If you draw a line between Chester and say, the Humber you have what you could call a North/South divide, this is open to debate, but is a recognised ecconomical phenomenon often mentioned as part of some kind of regional stereotype-ing.

However where does the line run that divides those who know that a Turnip is a big yellow vegetable? from those that don't.
A veg that for years was pressed into service as a carvable thing for making laterns at Halloween, before the invention of the pumpkin (circa 1997). Its traditionally eaten with mash and mince or haggis, or if ya posh a steak pie.

The scottish meal Haggis and Neep, as in TUR-NEEP involves a yellow veg does it not?
Where is this line that divides us sane people from those who belive a turnip is a sweed... i.e a white small thing with a purple root. sweeds are white as far as i am concerned and i'm from the north originally. Turnip is of course yellow, and involves a certain amount of knife control to turn into a lantern. The smell of burning turnip is something to behold, it define this time of year.

The scottish Neep is the same thing as a Turnip, its big and yellow, hard as rocks until boiled for about 40 minutes and makes you fart.

All the bloody idiots i now choose to surround myself with down here in the south say that a sweed is big and yellow and is only fit for feeding to the sheep...

the daft buggers

what colour is a turnip and where do you live?

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By Yudster
I love your post Dave but I have to point out two things - first, its "swede" not "sweed". Second, a turnip is small and purple/white outside and white inside, a swede is larger and purple/yellow outside and yellow inside. And I used to make swede lanterns at halloween.


By HA94
What on Earth is this about?
Last edited by HA94 on Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By James H
charlalottie wrote:I always thought a sweet potato was a swede.

If that's true, my mum has been fooling me into eating mashed swede for years... :shock:
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By Yudster
Sweet potatoes and yams are not swedes. Swedes are related to mangel-wurzels and sugar beet though.

Mangel wurzel - grown in the UK primarily for winter cattle feed:

Sugar beet - grown in the UK for the production of sugar, mostly in Bury St Edmunds. The process and factory there was largely created by Stephen Fry's grandfather I believe.
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By daveG
howabout94 wrote:What on Earth is this about?

Neeps mainly, A slightly topical rample prompted by memory of the use of the feared yellow turnip-swede as an alternative to the pumpkin as a lantern at Halloween mainly in the north in the 1970s.

Yudster wrote:I love your post Dave but I have to point out two things - first, its "swede" not "sweed". Second, a turnip is small and purple/white outside and white inside, a swede is larger and purple/yellow outside and yellow inside. And I used to make swede lanterns at halloween.


sweed, swede bloody turnips...can't spell, won't spell, will try.

chrysostom wrote:Interesting article about Neeps ... -or-turnip

I agree wholeheartedly fine fella i see i am not the only confused citizen, but i guess the guradian speaks the truth

Turnips...yellow they are, i my head at least.

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By dimtimjim
I like this thread.
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By Nicola_Red
I've read it twice and still don't really understand it.
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By dimtimjim
Me2, but if we can get Yuds talking about big-round-melons, i'll die happy! :D
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By Bonanzoid
Nicola_Red wrote:I've read it twice and still don't really understand it.

I haven't even read it. It's worth it for the picture of the Swedish girl Mad posted alone.

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