The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By GarethH
Yudster wrote:I don't see Dave as a typical reality show celebrity at all

He's probably done the most varied TV stuff out of the team though I think?

'Hole In The Wall', 'Weakest Link', 'Ready, Steady, Cook' (with Dom), 'Mastermind', 'Dancing On Ice', 'Fifth Gear', 'The Gadget Show', a sports show on 'Nuts TV', 'Ghost-Hunting' (with other team members), plus does the voiceover for 'Coach Trip'.
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By The Deadly
The thing he has against him in terms of reality tv is he is no longer broadcasting to 8 million people a day. The promotion DoI got was huge because of him being on the show daily. He's very comfortable on 5Live which is why I'm surprised he left the BBC altogether. That being said there are lots of other networks for him to go to. Talksport to name one of them.
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By Yudster
I'm still unsure why he won't be on 5Live any more. It would have been a completely separate arrangement to his CMS contract, and ending one wouldn't automatically mean ending the other, so if he really is going from 5Live as well, I would be interested to know why.
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By The Deadly
Yudster wrote:I'm still unsure why he won't be on 5Live any more. It would have been a completely separate arrangement to his CMS contract, and ending one wouldn't automatically mean ending the other, so if he really is going from 5Live as well, I would be interested to know why.

The words we were told were "left the BBC" so take that as you will. Things change quickly though.
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By Nicola_Red
Very true. Maybe I'd start seeing him on my tram in the mornings!
By Emmy
Yudster wrote:I have never watched I'm a Celeb for more than a few moments at a time, so I don't know if he will fit in there or not, but given that the programme is of a genre I despise, if he DOES fit in I will be both surprised and disappointed.

IACGMOOH isn't really about the contestants, most people watch it for the Ant & Dec links. As Chris has often said, it's the funniest show they do.

Yudster wrote:II can't think of many more damning indictments than "he was a really good reality show contestant".

I don't think Dave would particularly care what people say about him, so long as he made good money out if it.
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By The Deadly
Hats off to him about being nice about the tribute book. I know he hasn't been the biggest fan of the forum over time for obvious reasons but I'm glad he was thankful for our gift.
By j10cool10
Maybe, he's 'left the BBC' just to do the jungle in November. Maybe he didn't want to commit to something between now and then (as lets be honest, it isn't really that long away).

He may rejoin in January to do 5live...or even a new show with Chris (which is probably unlikely).
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By Nicola_Red
You mean if he were to sign a contract rather than remain freelance? Cos he could have done that, surely. He did DoI and Coach Trip that way.
By ChrisBoyles
Sorry, Dave wasn't a fan of the forum? When ? Why?

I would be disappointed if Dave made further forays into reality tv (something he would have sneered at 5years ago) as a springboard onto what exactly ?

More disappointed that he's not on tour, thinking twice about tickets now

And to top it off, no more chris and dave....unless they're stringing everyone along with the suspense. Definitely uncharted terrortory for me since I started with chris and dave in the afternoons. Though chris can handle himself, him without the side kick will sound lonely, dare I say, unfanthomable
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By Nicola_Red
ChrisBoyles wrote:Sorry, Dave wasn't a fan of the forum? When ? Why?

He famously referred to us as piranhas. He mentions us unfavorably in his book. He was kinda nonplussed when I met him and told him I was from here. I could go on...
By ChrisBoyles
Please do go on... What s he like in real ?

That's quite shocking ?! Disappointing and bewildering really...whys he like that :s
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By Nicola_Red
Don't get me wrong, he was very nice and professional, but he seems like he's very private. Nothing like 'Comedy Dave'. Have you read his book?
By ChrisBoyles
I haven't read his bOok, but may do at some point. But I can understand his need for privacy. Never met any of the team, but heard how Dave has his grumpy tendencies which is maybe cohesive with comments about the board. On the other hand, if you're going out with celebs, on a national radio show & appearing on tv, privacy is limited
By swaddon1903
I think any of us would be less than enamoured with a forum that has a lot of strangers discussing our private lives.
By ChrisBoyles
Comes with the terrortory and how one chooses to embrace it and his fans or any intrigue, or get the hump, I suppose
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By Travis Bickle
The way I understand it is Dave always thought of us as a load of sad cases and geeks. Then, after some people commented on his financial situation and break-up of his second marriage, seemed to bring on a bit of bitterness towards the forum.

I don't think it has ever got to be more than that. What he said on the final show about this place is pretty much word for word what he said to me when I met him last year at a signing for DOI.
By ChrisBoyles
Could you link me the thread referring to your first paragraph please..was he going through financial turmoil
By stringer987
Travis Bickle wrote:The way I understand it is Dave always thought of us as a load of sad cases and geeks. Then, after some people commented on his financial situation and break-up of his second marriage, seemed to bring on a bit of bitterness towards the forum.

I don't think it has ever got to be more than that. What he said on the final show about this place is pretty much word for word what he said to me when I met him last year at a signing for DOI.

What did he say???
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By neilt0
I've heard all the other stuff, but I'd like to know what he said in his book, as I have no intention of buying Grumpy Chops' literary oeuvre!
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