Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By Chris
You know today they were 'swearing backwards' .. well, Paul Westrup (our regular Sound Vault contributor) has reversed the reversed bits .. they were really swearing.<br><br>Contains VERY strong language<br><br>[I've put it in the Sound Vault]
By Guest
damn, missed most of today's show. sounds * hilarious though. just downloading. . . even though i haven't got it yet i demand it goes in the sound vault :)
By Guest
:) so you mean i could just sit here and call you a tnuc taf ?<br><br>this, as the title suggests, is indeed a 'fantastic clip'. i will not rest until more people download this, and tihs their pants laughing. lizzie is the funniest of the lot. i dont care if its 3 megabytes download this now!
By Guest
When I heard it on the radio, I thought that I must send this in. It wasn't until after the show that I found out about the language they used. I still can't believe they got away with it. (Or did they?).<br><br>Paul.
By Baza
That is totally hilarious! I was gnissip myself when I heard it!
By Guest
got home early as i skipped general studies as it is a pile of sh1te. made THIS which is almost equally sh1te, but is a remix of moyles swearing - you might like it. might :)
By Lara
I downloaded the clip yesterday and it is gr8!! They should do that more's hilarious just to hear what they said!!!
By Ionic_Storm
Yep - very funny..<br><br>I know this may make me sound stupid (as in more stupid than I'm already percieved as :)) but how did they actually do it? Did they have samples of what they said, and stuck it into the conversation, or did it all before hand and edited?
By Ionic_Storm
And another stupid question.<br><br>Is this Paul guy from Sound Vault, the "My name is nobody" person, or "no-one" or whoever it is.
By Guest
The handle that I've used on the web for has has been No-One. My real name is Paul. I'm not any mystery person or anything.<br><br>Paul.
By James
This clip is BRILL!!! Do you think they'll have gotten into probs over it?  Lizzies was very rude about their boss!!!
By Guest
to put it mildly :)<br><br>dave! go * andy parfit's face you * sucker!
By Guest
<br>[quote author=wannabe_mrs_moyles link=board=1&num=1000923612&start=0#16 date=09/21/01 at 18:18:01]<br>who's called gordon?! someone's called gordon! <br>[/quote]<br><br>i love when poppy posts :)
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By My_name_is_Nobody
With reference to Monkey's post ...
i love when poppy posts
<br>I believe my First ever post said something like "Stickyspanner, wannabe_mrs_moyles et al don't stop making me laugh !!"<br><br>I am Gordon, but people call me mister G. I had my photo removed 'cause I was too busy to visit the board butt I've shifted things so I can look in. Yes folks, Moyles is my church ! :P

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