Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By Mike
Yehhhh.... Only today I noticed.... the first piece of background music he played on todays show, was different to the 3 amigos one... No i am not talking about bad to the bone blady dah...<P>Hmmmmmmm listen out for it tommorrow   :)<P>Mike<P>PS. Find out quick coz Naspter may not be around next week, hehehe... do you know of another sorta napster prog? I know will take ages to get the copyright material etc off but just forward planning <BG>  :)<p>[This message has been edited by Mike (edited 13 February 2001).]
By Tom
There are loads of napster type file-sharing deals going i.e. Bearshare. However there are some wicked mp3 search engines about which also can be useful....try<br><br><br><br><br>Unfortunately though Napster will never be beaten.  :) The thing is though as long as there are people like me and stickyspanner uploading mp3s through ftp, there will always be free music on the web  :)
If someone gives me the title and the artist i`ll have the mp3 uploaded asap - asssuming I dont already have it - which is highly likely.<P>If I had a kickass connection like adsl I would surely put the current top 40 online for everyone to download.  So - start saving up for me guys  :)
By Mike
It'll be ages till I get DSL in the welshy valleys..  <IMG SRC="">... got free installation etc tho when they do.. hehe... Take it you're on cable or something now then? Im on a 56k! yay for the 56k!... <P>Anyone on here (prefrabley male) with a talented voice (<BG> ) fancy recording some wav's for me please?!?! just read out a thing or two.. hehehe... if you can, (sorry cant pay, hospital voluntary stuff!) just drop an e-mail to me at ta very much!<P>No idea what the name of it was or anything so you'll have to listen out for it tomorrow..!  :)<P>Cheers,<P>Mike<P>
right now i`m on 56k - my mate has ISDN, and so does my brother, although his last flat had ADSL which was well smart - I downloaded the new album from Creed off of Napster in 7 Minutes!! Yes - the WHOLE album, covers and all (didnt use Napster for the covers though).<P>Talkin of covers - watch my website - new CD Covers section will be added soon.<P>I used to work in a Net Cafe in Glasgow which was pretty cool speed wise - that was until Stelios came in with his Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy "sit and vegetate at a computer for hours on end for a quid" Net Cafe  :)<P>Still - C`est La Vie.
By Guest
Napster may be going- but the net is full of ways of getting around it- try some of the warez sites- dodgy I know - but at least you'll have your tunz
Mike - u can always mention whatever links u want.  I use a few links for cd covers, and have a lot of sites for MP3`s.  I have a friend who has a T3 at work, so downloading files is not a problem  :)<P>I`m updating the links in my page anyways cos they are ancient, so the more the merrier
By Tom
having said that though i have a weird isdn that ******* napster won't recognise.......Stickspanner if you really wanna go mad i have 200MB of space not really being used which you can borrow for mp3s etc.  :)
sounds good m8 - email me and we can sort something although the webspace I have at present has not got an upper limit on it which is why I can afford to be a bit happy at the uploads.<P>The only problem is that it has a 10Mb per file maximum on it - does your server have that.  Ohh and also can I resume uploads / downloads from it?

Saturday is up