Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Ginger
OK...<P>Once upon a time, in the land of fairies, there was a very beautiful queen (lets call her Kate) and this very beautiful queen married a very beautiful king (lets call him Kelly Jones), they in turn had lots of very very beautiful children.<P>Now, this queen lived for comedy. She would watch TV for a laugh, go out with her friends for a drink for a laugh, but mainly she relied on her extremely funny court jester....Erotic Dancing Gnome!<P>Imagine her horror when she awoke one morning a summoned him/her from his/her chamber to find only a spotty, greasey, geeky, summer help servent poke his head around the door, "Erm, sorry Your Majesty, but we seem to have misplaced the gnome today," He stuttered nervously. <P>"WHAAAAAAT?????" screeched the queen, "I get extremely grouchy if I don't laugh. You know I don't like morning TV and it's too early to get my friends drunk! Find him. NOW!!" With that, the trembling servent ran back to the gnomes chamber, hoping to dear God that he'd find the gnome dancing erotically around his bedpost, instead, he found a note that said...

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