Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
Does anyone have any clips from when Kilimanjaro climb?

The interviews and stuff when he was doing the climb week and when he was in Uganda
That would be brilliant. Have got
Some stuff
I have got a couple of interviews of when Chris was on the mountain with Gary Barlow

they are on youtube
Chris Moyles, Gary Barlow from Kilimanjaro 4.3.09 (Part 1) ... HAIJmFY2lW (part 2)

Gary Barlow, Chris Moyles from Kilimanjaro - 3.3.09 - Part 1 ... k8tNPK-a-M ( Part 2)

Chris, Gary, Kimberley, Cheryl and Denise talk from Kilimanjaro 6.3.09 (PART 1) ... 1z5FhahziL (Part 2)
richbrown wrote:I'd love to hear the shows from just before Chris was going if they're up again, are they in the archive?

The only one that I think is in there is the 'Mount Shush' clip.
By stevepro
Does anyone have a copy of this in HQ? I have found a couple of versions on youtube but all are in terrible quality.

Not looking for HD versions or anything unrealistic along those lines (though of course if a HD copy is available it would be more than welcomed) but just a decent quality copy. I have tried the video section but it seems to be down.

All help much appreciated, thanks in advance!

Saturday is up