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By chrysostom
Bruvva wrote:There are times when I really, really, really like football.

Today is one of those days.


Wednesday could be awful - especially if we lose to that shower of nonsense, at home.
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By Bruvva
chrysostom wrote:
Bruvva wrote:There are times when I really, really, really like football.

Today is one of those days.


Wednesday could be awful - especially if we lose to that shower of nonsense, at home.

Nah, you'll be fine I reckon. One bad performance doesn't write off Arsenal's season, you're, what, 2 points off the top? Hardly insurmountable and last time Arsenal got a bad beating, they went on a long unbeaten run. And, more importantly, Utd are utter shit.
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By Bonanzoid
The amount of tweets to the BBC slamming Wenger during the Liverpool match was hilarious. These people are obviously clueless.
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By Bruvva
Bored so here's a question for people...What's the best week your team's had that you can remember, not individual games (if it was then I'd just say Istanbul 2005 and bugger off) but 2 or more matches?

For Liverpool, winning 4-1 at Old Trafford and then SPANKING Real Madrid 4-0 at Anfield a few days later in 2009. That was a pleasant few days. Actually, that was one hell of an end to a season, that ridiculous European Cup tie with Chelsea (1-3 at Anfield, 4-4 at theirs), the 4-4 game against Arsenal (damn you Arshavin!).
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By Yudster
I don't think I've ever had a highlight that lasted more than one game with ColU....
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By Bruvva
Thissite has Arsenal finishing 3rd. It's probably best taken with a pinch of salt, mind but it's fun playing with the various columns. It has pages for Serie A and the Primera Liga as well if you're interested.
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By chrysostom
Game 2 of the death run which now reads:

Liverpool (A) L
Man Utd (H) D
Liverpool (H) W
Bayern (H)
Sunderland (H)
Stoke (A)

Everton (H)
Bayern (A)
Sp*rs (A)
Chelsea (A)
Man City (H)
Leg 1 in CL if we get through
Everton (A)
Leg 2 in CL if we get through

Which is 9 or 11* games in 7 weeks, with most of them being 'must win'. Crikey.

*Thankfully/sadly it probably won't be 11 as we're up against a team of freak robots.
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By Bruvva
Hey, y'never know about tonight. Keep it quiet, don't concede and stay in it for the second leg and who knows what'll happen. Granted Bayern are justifiable favourites but if 2005 taught me anything, it's that ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN.

As an aside, Howard Webb eh? HOW is he England's top ref? Pretty appalling decisions for both sides over the weekend.
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By Bruvva
Oh aye, forgot about the shout for the Arsenal penalty, mind you, still puzzled why the TV didn't bother showing a replay. Oxlade-Chamberlain's body check on Suarez was shown from every conceivable angle yet nothing from the other end.
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By chrysostom

From a pretty reliable Spanish/English journo


The ball's gone, but it's still dangerous play from Skrtel - to use the most worn of cliches, anywhere else on the pitch and that's a free kick & a yellow.
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By The Deadly
I've noticed for a lot of the big head to heads this season Webb wasn't the ref. Not sure why that is but it's unusual.
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By Bruvva
Heh, you'll have to forgive me for not thinking someone who calls himself "giggsboson" is particularly unbiased when it comes to Liverpool :)
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By Bruvva
Well they only had 10 men for most of it and defended well enough, they were just over run in the end.
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By The Deadly
I don't get why their fans and others are moaning about the penalty and red card. The ref had absolutely no choice in that situation. Rules are rules.
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By chrysostom
Because there's a debate as to whether a goalscoring opportunity was denied as Robben had touched the ball away from goal prior to the foul.

The penalty was nailed on, the red card debatable. Even Neuer said it shouldn't have been a red.

Ambiguous rules are ambiguous rules.

If 2-0 against the European champions (who have gotten even better since they won the CL) with 10 men is a genuine assessment of the match, I'd hate to think how you scrutinise your own team's performances!

From the moment we were down to 10, it was a damage limitation exercise because we needed to have hope for the second leg. At 1-0 we stood a chance of overturning the result in Munich - as it is, the late goal has probably ruled us out of getting to the next round, but I'd hardly say that the team under performed (en masse) in the circumstances. For the first 30 minutes, Bayern looked vulnerable.

The real focus should lie in all the players resting, and ensuring that we win the next 2 matches (which are there for the taking). Although I'm sure the papers are just waiting to bust out brokencannonarsenal.jpg
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By Bruvva
As the rules are currently interpreted, he was always going to get sent off. I am sympathetic though, the rule was brought in to stop players deliberately taking others out and stopping them scoring but it's now used to send keepers off when they bring a player down on purpose or not.

If I'm to be critical of Arsenal last night, Ozil stank the place out, young lad up front was out of his depth in the main and I thought Wenger didn't alter the team well enough after the sending off. On the other hand, they held out well enough with 10 men, it didn't work out but, who knows, get an early goal in the return leg and it could get very interesting.
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By chrysostom
Yeah - I agree, but the main issue with Özil is that he had to up his defensive game by much more than 10%.

He ended up covering the 3rd most ground on the pitch, which took away from his main asset. Podolski, Özil & Cazorla all rarely put in a defensive shift as it is (which is why you'll rarely see them play in the same match). Giroud's head is all over the place & Sanogo was definitely out of his depth - ultimately a lack of a good second choice striker and NO defensive mid cover (Arteta was suspended) was our biggest issue.

Hey-ho, as you say - it could all change in the second leg. Stranger things have happened. *Istanbul 2005 klaxon*
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By The Deadly
Would you not be happier playing a youth team in Munich? Concentrate on the league/FA cup? You may not win the league this year but fourth place is essential.
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By chrysostom
A bad defeat at Bayern due to fielding a weakened team would be awful for the morale of the squad, who are looking to compete in the biggest games - not to mention would signal a huge lack of ambition, broadcast to the whole world. Look what happened last year when we were in a much worse position (10 points off Spurs for fourth) - we went and beat Munich at home, which gave us the confidence to go on the best run we've had in years (26 from 30 points in the last 10 games).

We're still in the mix for 3 trophies, and without a winning mentality there's no way we'll get any of them. We're finally in a position when our squad is thinking that fourth place isn't the main priority.
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By Bonanzoid
I hardly think Bayern gave Arsenal a doing last night, even in the 2nd half most of their possession was pretty impotent. Yes they were camped in the final third but didn't genuinely threaten too often. Had that match been 11 v 11 I think it'd have been quite a different outcome.

As for the red card - he was a little bit unfortunate to go for 'denying' a goal scoring opportunity but I'm also pretty sure he caught him half way up the leg which could be a red for serious foul play. For both City and Arsenal, a poorly made split second decision cost them. If Arsenal can keep 11 men on the pitch at the Allianz, they're not out of this at all. Of course it'll be a big ask, but having watched Bayern last night they're not invulnerable.

I also can't believe Ozil took the pen. I just knew he was going to miss from the moment I knew he was the taker. He won it with a lovely touch, but shouldn't have taken it. Why not give Cazorla a go - he can strike a ball very sweetly.

I'm so relieved Suarez didn't go to Arsenal for a multitude of reasons, but the idea of them having him up top smashing them in regularly to add to a decent team already is rank.
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By chrysostom
He would have been perfect for our system - will always be the one who got away for us.

The main takers are Arteta and Giroud (both not playing) so I guess it just went to the person who won it.

I'm going to the match tomorrow - hope to see a strong rebound from Wednesday, as it's the least we need.
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