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By Bruvva
chrysostom wrote:Having been away for 2 years, I think I was hoping for more of an epic story arc from Sherlock - however it's just a bit of light hearted mystery solving. Not awful, but certainly not in the same league as the first 2 series.

It's not like the first two series were faultless, as I've said before, people's memories of them are clouding their judgment of this one. I enjoyed the most recent one immensely, hints of Sherlock realising he quite likes being close to people, his reaction to being asked to be best man was lovely, he had no idea how to react because he'd spent his whole life previously believing that he was above and beyond things like emotion and friendship. I suspect it's all building up to something quite climactic in the third episode and those who've read the stories may have an idea what'll happen (I won't say what because it might not come to pass and if it does then I don't want to spoil people's enjoyment). Moffatt enjoys weaving storylines and plots into season finales so I'm sure we'll see something dramatic happen.

It is fascinating to compare it to Elementary, which is itself a good show but Johnny Lee Millar plays Holmes in a completely different way and that's the beauty of the stories and characters, they can be interpreted in a variety of ways and still be great.
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By Topher
I've not seen Elementary, but I have seen it mentioned on Twitter. Lots of the people I follow on Twitter don't like it at all, but then lots of the people I follow on Twitter are feminists and think Moffat is evil in the way he depicts women in his scripts.

I'm intrigued as to what Bruvva is referring to - I definitely need to think I need to find time at some point to read the books.
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By Bruvva
Elementary is worth catching up with, just be lenient with the first 5/6 episodes as it suffers from the usual American TV show thing of stumbling as it tries to find itself - Supernatural had exactly the same problem.

What I'm referring to isn't a huge thing in the books, it's just mentioned but if they do follow it up in the show, it'd be a little bit emotional.
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By Badger Mark
Anyone seen The Fall with Gillian Anderson? Been watching this on Netflix over the last few days. I have one episode left to go. Really excellent IMO.

My wife is eagerly awaiting Sherlock. It's still got a couple of weeks until it shows up here on US TV. I've had to skip everything that's been written above to avoid spoilers.
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By Yudster
I also like elementary very much. I think that and Sherlock are both excellent depictions of various aspects of the characters Conan Doyle created. Both series refused to fall into the trap of almost all previous adaptations, that of depicting Watson as a bumbling idiot - Watson is an immensely powerful character, resourceful, intelligent, good in a fight - this is acknowledged in both series in different ways but done really well.
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By chrysostom
Just saw something that summed up my opinion on the series so far, 'Fan fiction with high production values'.


By bmstinton93
So I started watching The Vampire Diaries a couple of days ago! The fact I'm massively enjoying it is making me wonder if I should be questioning my sexuality, but it is in fact ace! And nothing like what I expected! Plus, Boone from Lost is in it.
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By Topher
Text conversation with the sister......

Starts off all well and good...


...oh dear...


...but phew...



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By Latina
I've read about half of Arthur Conan Doyle's Holmes overall, but it was a few years ago and I've been meaning to get back into them. Last night I read His Last Bow (one of the later short stories, published in 1917), as it's one of the ones I hadn't read, and this Sunday's Sherlock takes its name from it.

That doesn't necessarily mean it will be adapted from it much (if it at all), but recognising nods to the books (some of them wonderfully random), is one of my favourite things about the series. :)
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By Badger Mark
Finished the last episode of the first series of The Fall. I thought all five episodes were very good, and I really hope that Netflix picks up the second series. I understand it starts production this month so hopefully by the end of the year I might see it over here in the US.
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By Topher
Look I know I've stuck up for the other episodes when others have said they've been shit, but * hell, Sherlock was amazing tonight.

Also, I can't wait another two years.
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By slaphead1982
I'm not sure. It did seem to drift away from the "Solving" side of things and head towards the "Family" side a bit too much in my opinion. It was still good, don't get me wrong but it just seemed to drift away from what made it a hit.
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By dimtimjim
Currently, I'm loving 8oo10CDC and Speed (with Guy Martin), both on Ch4. Good stuff.
By bmstinton93
This is probably not a popular view and I'm sure Monday's episode will receive many complaints but Corrie lately is absolutely brilliant in my opinion. I think they are handling a very tough subject of euthanasia very very well and last night's episode was very sad!
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By Topher
Oh, are you just starting on series one? It's amazing.
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By Badger Mark
Topher wrote:Oh, are you just starting on series one? It's amazing.

Sorry I wasn't more clear about this. I'm referring to series 3. The first two were both broadcast here not long after they did in the UK. All of the discussion about #3 that went on here recently made me a bit envious that I had to wait a couple of weeks till it came over here.
By JayE
Started watching Breaking Bad in early January as I recieved all 5 series' for Christmas. I don't usually watch shows of this genre and I have to say I'm absolutely hooked on it. I'm up to episode 3 of series 2 and I think it might be favourite TV Show ever made (so far) It's that type of show for me where you think you'll just watch one episode a day but as soon as that one ends you just have to watch more to find out what happens next.
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By Topher

I've not watched it, but they rave about it at work.
By JayE
The Deadly wrote:Do you understand it properly?

It's not really hard to grasp to be honest. Yes I do understand it and I'm enjoying it a huge amount.
By JayE
bmstinton93 wrote:That's one show I really could not get in to.

I heard it takes a couple of seasons before the show gets really good. I'm sticking with it though, there have been some absolute crackers so far.
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