Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By JayE
Didn't think we had one of these so I thought I'd get it going.

What's your favourite music at the moment?

I myself quite enjoy stuff from Frank Turner, Bastille and Passenger and Imagine Dragons, some fantastic songs out at the moment from them.
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By Yudster
I heard what I presume is the new single from Ellie Goulding yesterday and really liked it. I don't usually like her at all.

Also, am I the only person who won't be upset if they never hear another whisper from Emeli Sande ever again? Most overrated artist in the world?
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By The Deadly
Yudster wrote:I heard what I presume is the new single from Ellie Goulding yesterday and really liked it. I don't usually like her at all.

Also, am I the only person who won't be upset if they never hear another whisper from Emeli Sande ever again? Most overrated artist in the world?

She is the modern day Paul McCartney in terms of turning up at an event and singing the same song.
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By The Deadly
charlalottie wrote:Not really a redeeming factor when you only listen to her.

The music isn't important when you consider how great her body is.
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By Nicola_Red
As someone who claims to be a singer, it kind of is important. Not that finding her attractive would redeem her music for me. As has been said here before: friendly sheep.

Er, I don't think I'm listening to anything new at the moment. I'm terrible at finding new stuff. I like Pantera, Black Label Society, Rob Zombie, Forever Never. Now my PC is finally set up I intend to plunder Mr Red's music collection for some different stuff as, being a DJ, he's far more up on new releases than I am.
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By Yudster
I like all sorts of music from classical to One Direction. There I said it, I like One Direction. But good pop music is great, its happy and vibrant and its over quickly and you don't have to think about it. When I'm feeling more contemplative I listen to something more challenging maybe, but for me the music I enjoy depends on what I want from it at any given time.
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By Bonanzoid
I'm not up to date with new music as I never listen to the radio any more, but I've been getting in to Porcupine Tree recently. They're bloody brilliant, particularly the drummer.

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By Badger Mark
Listened to all of the new Travis album yesterday. Rolling Stone Magazine has a page where one can stream the whole thing. Pretty good stuff. Going to have to get this when it comes out. Also really like the new Rose Elinor Dougall track, Strange Warnings, that's coming out sometime soon.
By bmstinton93
The new album from Tired Pony (containing Gary Lightbody) is out today. I would strongly recommend checking out both albums.
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By The Deadly
Heard a song on Radio 1 just a minute ago by a band called London Grammar. Very nice song and a rare instance of me liking new music.
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By Badger Mark
The Deadly wrote:Heard a song on Radio 1 just a minute ago by a band called London Grammar. Very nice song and a rare instance of me liking new music.

Fran Healy of Travis was on Simon Mayo's show last week saying some very good things about London Grammar. I'm assuming your referring to the song "Strong"? It's a good one.
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By The Deadly
I didn't catch the name of the song but is assume it would be that one if its being spoken about at the moment. Not normally my type of thing but its quite different to what is out there currently.
By JayE
One of my favourite songs at the moment. I find it really catchy.

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By Nicola_Red
My bro is kind of Frank Turner obsessed. He has met him a few times and has an FT tattoo, and somehow got put on the guest list for a gig FT did in Newcastle a couple years ago, after a festival he was due to appear in got cancelled. My mum now loves him too. I don't mind his stuff, but I don't really get why they're so crazy about him.

ETA: here is the tattoo (he's holding his arm in a wonky way as that was taken when it was freshly done)


and the original cover

By bmstinton93
I've been listening to the Out of Nothing album by Embrace a lot recently. I'd forgotten just how perfect it is. Definitely in my top albums of all time. I am very much looking forward to their new stuff which is supposedly on its way judging by Danny Mcnamara's twitter page.
By JayE
Last weekend I listened to Passenger's album "All The Little Lights" and I've got to say it's very rare that I've loved every single song on an album before but I truly did love every single song on this album, it's great. I'd definitely recommend.
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By Badger Mark
Currently a favorite of mine. Good song. Really boring video. Warning - if you're prone to seizures induced by flashing lights do not watch this video.

By bmstinton93
Bille Joe Armstrong, off of Green Day has teamed up with Norah Jones to remake a classic Everly Brothers album from the 50's. This is the first track off it:

Personally I think it is sounding absolutely beautiful.

Also, an honourable mention to the new Lily Allen song, Hard Out Here. Lily back to her expletive ridden best. Ace song and video.
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By Bruvva
bmstinton93 wrote:off of


Saturday is up