Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Topher
My contributions to this thread are as short as my footballing knowledge, but one thing I've picked up from news stories recently and the last time there was a high profile management change (Liverpool possibly?) is that the chairman of Wigan seems like a thoroughly nice bloke who thinks an awful lot of his manager.
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By The Deadly
Topher wrote:My contributions to this thread are as short as my footballing knowledge, but one thing I've picked up from news stories recently and the last time there was a high profile management change (Liverpool possibly?) is that the chairman of Wigan seems like a thoroughly nice bloke who thinks an awful lot of his manager.

Yeah good chairman Dave Whelen. Never broke the bank and they had a great run in the top division. The right thing to do is to let Martinez move on and get a couple of million in compensation. There are some great managers out there and I'm sure Wigan with the right manager in place will be in the Premier League come the end of next season.
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By chrysostom
The Deadly wrote:Never broke the bank

While he may not have broke the bank, he did outspend his rivals whilst in the lower leagues to get in the premier league.

I've always thought Dave Whelan was a nice guy who understood that Wigan were a selling club. Fun fact, he had a deal wrapped up to sign Man Utd in the 80s, but his wife told him it would be bad for his business.
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By The Deadly
Yes at a lower level they did spend big but I meant they haven't done a Portsmouth and spent money they didn't have. The Portsmouth story is just awful. The fans of that club deserve a medal.

Edit: I too hate Tony Pulis. I hate him because he insists on running away down the tunnel at half time and full time for no reason whatsoever and I hate the way his teams play football. Pure dirt.
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By Yudster
Why do people hate Tony Pulis and what's wrong with that letter?
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By Yudster
I want to know why people think that - I don't know anything about him, but he's obviously inspired plenty of people who have nothing to do with his team to dislike him, I wondered why.
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By chrysostom
"unlike Roberto Mancini in his local paper last week, I can't afford to take out a full-page advert." - Yes, yes you can afford to take out a full page advert - you were probably paid around £30-40k per week and have just recieved a massive payoff. It's just another part in his UKIP 'man of the people' approach to life.

Why do people hate him? I can't speak for everyone, but for me:

1. He plays anti football, takes a horribly negative approach and encourages dangerous aggression on the pitch from his players. This is undeniable, and the reason he has ultimately been sacked. People hate seeing teams play awful football, it was maligned under Sam Allardyce - but Pulis' brand of long ball is undoubtedly worse. At least Sam had Okocha, Djorkaeff, Giannakopolous etc. to break through that style. Pulis was pure punt & hope.

2. AARON RAMSEY. In the aftermath of Shawcross snapping Ramsey's leg in half, he refused to contenance that the challenge was aggressive - telling Arsene Wenger to keep his opinions to himself. Defending Shawcross without treating the situation with the decorum it should have recieved in the immediate few days following the incident. His responses, anti Arsene stance and casual xenophobia led to the fans booing Ramsey when he came back to the Britannia.

3. He spent loads of money on players who would fit into his limited system. Financially he was not a good manager - and Stoke spent heavily during his premier league tenure - over the last 5 years they have spent (net) the 3rd most in the premier league, spending £89m (recouping £8.5m) while moaning that other teams spend more so they can't be expected to win.

4. He hated Arsene Wenger and took a dig at him whenever possible (he even said "I like foreign managers, I just don't like Arsene Wenger", leading to a greater feeling of animosity towards Arsenal and in turn, Ramsey. He turned a deaf ear to the booing of Ramsay for having his leg snapped for years even with direct questioning. Finally he addressed it by saying 'I get abuse from fans too'.

5. He's mad. He brawled with James Beattie naked in the Emirates dressing room, will never take that bloody cap off and always wore a tracksuit. I hope he never manages in the Premier League again, and that his breed of manager will slowly die. In short, Pulis is a wanker, he wears a wanker's hat.

There's much more here: ... 8#?cc=5739
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By chrysostom
Oh, not to mention that he developed the Rory Delap throw in technique. God I hate him. He has to be in the top 3 of my most hated managers of all time.
Last edited by chrysostom on Thu May 23, 2013 10:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By Yudster
I see. Well I don't like him either then.
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By chrysostom
charlalottie wrote:Who are the other two and what order?

I don't know actually - I just didn't want to commit to saying he's my most hated manager.

Modern day Kenny Dalglish would have to be in there...maybe Colin Wanker too

Redknapp with an honourable mention?
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By The Deadly
Modern day Kenny was more funny than annoying though. Some of the bollocks he'd come out with was hysterical and to this day I honestly think he is stuck in the early 1990's.
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By Bonanzoid
Kenny was a PR nightmare. He wasn't ready for that sort of limelight, handled it atrociously.

As for that Pulis, he gets on my tits too. I enjoyed that list chrysostom, means I have to type less haha. Everyone was up in arms with Juventus' behaviour at corners vs Celtic in the Champions League, but Stoke do it all the bloody time too. They're sly little cheaters, who play repugnant football with some absolutely bollocks players. Dean Whitehead comes to mind. What does he even do, bar foul people? Ryan Shotton too, he's only there for his throw because Delap's past it.

As for Dave Whelan, he does seem a nice bloke but he does irk me from time to time. As soon as there's any media attention towards Wigan, he's the first to give his 2 cents. When Martinez was meeting with the Liverpool owners, the only headlines I saw on Sky Sports News were what the latest shite spewing from Dave Whelan was. And did he never mention he broke his leg in an FA Cup final? Big shame, yes, but doesn't need brought up so much.

It's probably me being a miserable bastard, because he has done a fantastic job at Wigan. Just wish he'd wheesht.
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By chrysostom
I see that Dave's trying to whip up a storm on Twitter about the club's new crest:


I know it's not as good as the previous one, but from what I understand it is important to have a simpler design for copyright issues. Been reading some tweets that are way OTT (#KenwrightOut, stop ruining our club, etc.)
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By Bonanzoid
Obviously there's going to be protest to any change to a club's appearance/badge/etc, but in the grand scheme of things that's really not that bad. Cardiff went through much more this time last year, but given they've now been promoted that furore's probably long gone.
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By The Deadly
If they end up 4th place by Christmas the fans won't give two shits. Football fans always hate change but normally forget all about it as long as the club are successful.
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By The Deadly
Good to see Stoke are making a clean break away from the Tony Pulis era by appointing the tactical genius that is Mark Hughes. Expect to see Barcelonaesque football from the Brittania Stadium next season.
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By Wykey
chrysostom wrote:I see that Dave's trying to whip up a storm on Twitter about the club's new crest:

I know it's not as good as the previous one, but from what I understand it is important to have a simpler design for copyright issues. Been reading some tweets that are way OTT (#KenwrightOut, stop ruining our club, etc.)

What you understand is nonsnese - though it's what the club have been putting forward by way of justification. There are no copyright issues with the old crest, there were none with the crest prior to that (that didn't have 1878 and the word Everton on it).

Apparently the old crest is difficult to produce in this modern digital age (for merchandise purposes), as it's got a lot of detail and more than one colour. Which is strange, as the FA seem to manage to produce a much more detailed and colourful crest (by the same kit manufacturers).

The problem I have with the change isn't just that the motto has gone and the laurel wreaths of gone, it's that it looks shit. It looks like it was done using a "fisher price clipart for dummies" guide and took no more than thirty seconds to put together. Someone on a fan website put this together in five minutes:


And I think that's MILES better, much cleaner, much more efficient in terms of detail and, well, it's just good.

It's easy to say that the fans just don't like change, but that's rubbish - if we didn't like change, then we'd be petitioning for the PROPER Everton kit to return ("..there's no need for a badge on the shirt, we're the team that plays in blue and white..everyone knows who we are, we don't need to tell them..."), but we're not. We just want something that's had a bit of care and thought put into it.

If it was for toddlers babygrows or bibs, that's one thing - it might work then. But for the official club crest? It's a disgrace.

As far as the comments being OTT - we've been mismanaged for 30 years, we've gone from being the best run and best club in Europe, the Bank of England Club, the Mersey Millionaries, the first purpose built football ground in the world that was fit to host the world cup semi-final and one of the greatest stadiums in the world - to basically being bankrupt, with no plan or ability to do anything about it. We've allowed our manager to leave without compensation, we've sold all of our non playing assets to pay off debt, we've got no plan to redevelop the stadium and no plan to actually improve the business model.

So the comments aren't OTT, they'll be the tip of the iceberg before long.
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By Wykey
chrysostom wrote:
charlalottie wrote:Who are the other two and what order?

I don't know actually - I just didn't want to commit to saying he's my most hated manager.

Modern day Kenny Dalglish would have to be in there...maybe Colin Wanker too

Redknapp with an honourable mention?

Redknapp and honourable are two words that should never be in the same sentence. Horrible odious man.
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By Bruvva
Wykey fella, remind me what that tower is on your badge, I should bloody know after living in L4 for a few years (admittedly back on the early 90s) but I've totally forgotten.

Anyway NOW people are questioning Hodgson (, dunno why him playing 2 rigid banks of 4 is a surprise, did they not watch Liverpool or WBA under him at all? The man's a dinosaur and should never have been given the job.
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By Wykey
It's an old bridewell, nicknamed "rupert's tower" after prince rupert but it's basically an overnight lock-up.

The reason it's on the crest is that it's up on the hill at the side of Everton Valley (on Netherfield Road) - so it was the most prominent local land-mark when the club was formed (just around the corner from Old Mother Noblett's Toffee Shoppe).
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