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By Yudster
We haven't had an update for a while, so I would like to know - What's In Boboff's Garden today?!
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By Boboff
Well Chaffinch, a pair have been coming onto the feeder, and also 3 magpies were getting fruity this morning.

2 Buzzards are circling, all very nice.

I have been mulching my Blackcurrant Bed, and removing matting to get ready for planting.

Cutting back and weeding generally is moving forward.

It's nice this time of year, the trees are bare and you can see!
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By dimtimjim
Our garden always looks so bare this time of year, should all start kicking off again in next few weks tho. We have a very large tree at the foot of garden which protects view to the houses behind (no idea what variety - not my bag baby) which grows so so much each year. I shall need to get the ladder out and lop its head off before spring fully hits and it starts to go nuts again. Just too cold outside these last few weeks to even think about it.
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By Boboff
A Pea Hen has come to stay!

The Cat is back.

I have moved my Box Hedge

This year the Oak leaves came first.

Ash before Oak, you are in for a soak, Oak before Ask you are in for a sprinkle.

Therefore I predict this to be a Summer of light rain fall.

I thank you.

Saturday is up