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By dimtimjim
I'm well excited about this film coming out. Loved the LoR series, so well done by PJ.
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By chrysostom
I'm excited - going to see it at Leicester Square Odeon. A bit pricier, but having seen the final 2 Harry Potters there, it makes such a difference to see a film packed to the rafters with proper fans.
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By dimtimjim
chrysostom wrote: proper fans.

you dressing up?!! :D
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By chrysostom
Afraid not, the only minorities in LOTR were the orks (I'd be unconvincing as anything else!)

I have this problem with Harry Potter too. My options are limited to Dean Thomas, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Lee Jordan, and none of them are even Asian.

Basically I'm happy to be in a cinema with people who won't be talking throughout the whole bloody thing.

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By dimtimjim
:lol: Nice plan!
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By The Deadly
I fell asleep at the cinema after 40 minutes of the first LOTR but I'll go and see this film. Hopefully it's a bit faster paced.
By JayE
Will give the Hobbit a watch. I did enjoy the Lord of The Rings series too.
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By Badger Mark
My wife and I are taking our daughter to see it in a couple of weeks for her 15th birthday. But to be honest, I'm just as excited as she is for it to come out.
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By Bas
Badger Mark wrote:My wife and I are taking our daughter to see it in a couple of weeks for her 15th birthday. But to be honest, I'm just as excited as she is for it to come out.

Me too. I believe I'm the same age as you too. My 13 year old daughter wants to see it with me because she knows how excited I'll be. Jesus, I'm sad. :D
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By Badger Mark
Bas wrote:
Badger Mark wrote:My wife and I are taking our daughter to see it in a couple of weeks for her 15th birthday. But to be honest, I'm just as excited as she is for it to come out.

Me too. I believe I'm the same age as you too. My 13 year old daughter wants to see it with me because she knows how excited I'll be. Jesus, I'm sad. :D

Sad? On the contrary, I think this means we are exceptional persons! Geeks maybe - but still exceptional.
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By dimtimjim
Yeah, I 'kin loved the LoR series, cracking films amazingly done.

Yes, I too shall be taking the Dustbin Lids (Kids, for those of you sat there with blank expressions on ya boat-race [face]) to see this.

Soooo excited!
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By chrysostom
I don't think the LOTR films appeal to a specific age group, especially as they're so well done and the books have been read for generations.

I've not read the books but I'm very excited especially as I'm going in with no prior knowledge of what happens (although I think Bilbo might live...)
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By Yudster
Lord of the Rings is one of the few instances where the films are a million times better than the books, which are long winded, tedious and dreary. I think they are badly written too, and I'm not alone in that, but I am aware its a controversial opinion.

The Hobbit was a better read by far, so it will be interesting to see how the films handle it. Am I right in thinking they are doing a trilogy for the one book? The thing that made the films so good was that they extracted the nuggets of plot from the welter of nothingess in the books and concentrated on those. Making three films from one book makes me wonder if they might end up doing the opposite with this? I do hope not.
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By chrysostom
It's a tough one, as it's so marketable with such a massive fanbase that if they made 3 films that essentially detailed intricacies of middle earth - lots of people would flock to see it.

I know if they released another 3 Harry Potter films that just wanged on about the wizarding world in general I'd happily pay to watch them, despite knowing I'm being fleeced.

A bit like Star Wars. The temptation to milk a cash cow is too much!

This article goes onto it quite well, saying there are 2 films with hints of a 3rd, and what the fans think. They can also use 125 pages of notes Tolkien made around the expanded universe.
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By dimtimjim
Oh, I didn't know this was only part 1 of the story... I figured it was all in one film. Gutted.
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By Badger Mark
I'm really OK with it begin 3 movies. He's on record as saying they are going to be using additional material from other Tolkien sources. Given the quality of the 3 LOTR movies, I'm going to cut him a lot of slack and just enjoy the movies for what they are.
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By Badger Mark
So did anybody see it on opening day? My wife and I are going to see it on Sunday with our daughter. Simon Mayo and Mark Kermode devoted most of their movie review show to it today. Consensus was that it's too long. Could easily lop out 30 minutes from the beginning, but otherwise worth seeing.

Podcast of the show is here:
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By chrysostom
I saw it tonight, didn't notice how long it was - I thought it was great but I was a geek for the films (and didn't arrive until the promos finished, so cut out 20-30 mins of sitting time)

The faster fps was a but odd at times though - made things look like they were going unnaturally fast from time to time.
By Misfit
to say im a massive geek, iv never enjoyed any lord of the rings series. long boring films. probs wont enjoy this either tbf.
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By Boboff
See Deadly, thats a proper pissed late at night post! You go Misfit!
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By Bas
I went to see it a couple of nights ago & despite all the negativity i enjoyed it immensely.
Mind you, i did go to see the 2D version as I'm not a fan of 3D films.
The near 3 hrs flew by.
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By Badger Mark
Bas wrote:I went to see it a couple of nights ago & despite all the negativity i enjoyed it immensely.
Mind you, i did go to see the 2D version as I'm not a fan of 3D films.
The near 3 hrs flew by.

I agree. I saw it during it's opening weekend. Loved it for the most part. Never found it dragging - the 3 hours went really quick. Also saw the 2D version. Ticket prices for the 3D are just too high.
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By Bas
Badger Mark wrote:
Bas wrote:I went to see it a couple of nights ago & despite all the negativity i enjoyed it immensely.
Mind you, i did go to see the 2D version as I'm not a fan of 3D films.
The near 3 hrs flew by.

I agree. I saw it during it's opening weekend. Loved it for the most part. Never found it dragging - the 3 hours went really quick. Also saw the 2D version. Ticket prices for the 3D are just too high.

Yeah the price is appalling. Even for the ordinary version it cost me £18 for 3 adults - it should have been 2 adults & one child but after waiting half an hour in the queue when i got to the booth i splurted out "3 for the Hobbit please," without thinking.
Mind you it would only have saved me 2 quid if i'd got the kids ticket. and then a fiver on top of that for a box of popcorn & a coke for my wee girl. Jesus wept!!
This was at a common or garden suburban cinema too, not some flash city centre Imax place or anything.
The 3D version would have set me back the guts of thirty quid just to get in.

It was worth it though just to see my 13 year old daughter who normally hates everything her oul Da suggests as 'lame' or 'stupid' watch the screen open mouthed & even grab my hand for support during the fight with the White Orc at the tree on the cliff edge.

Saturday is up