Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By The Deadly
I'd like to explain why I got so angry and apologise to Chrys for what I said. I can see how he could have taken what I said as a personal threat and I can assure him it wasn't meant in the way he took it. The truth is I know nothing about him or any of you really, none of us do. I retaliated to something he said as it hit a nerve as it was essentially the truth. I hate talking about my personal relationship to anybody, let alone a public forum but let's just say I'm in a relationship that barely is a relationship. We've been together 12 years nearly and it's really bad right now so seeing him say that just made me snap.

What is like to so is step away from the forum for a week and reevaluate the way I post and come back less argumentative. If Nic could lock this thread that would be great as I don't think it needs replies. Thanks.
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By Chris
I unlocked it, just so you know. Post and expect replies, it's not a noticeboard.

People might even surprise you by being sympathetic/appreciative/whatever.
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By DevilsDuck
Good on you for appologising deadly...
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By dimtimjim
Deadly wrote:What is like to so is step away from the forum for a week and reevaluate the way I post and come back less argumentative.

Good plan. Sorry to hear about love life sit. All the best. x
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By Nicola_Red
Agreed. It's cool that you took the time to post that and I'm sure it will be appreciated.
By Tunster
Good on for apologising! We're all human at the end of the day. Just don't bring monkeys into a forum. It's bad!

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By chrysostom
I'd like to apologise to deadly as I ended up saying something that upset him deeply, as I wasn't aware of his personal situation and having been through something of a similar nature, know how hard times like this can be - and how it can reflect itself in your postings on the forum (see any of my arguments pre-2010). Lots of people have gone through turbulent times on the board, and noone should have it made worse by insensitivity.
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By Yudster
I've only been away a couple of hours and I am COMPLETELY confused. Everyone is referencing stuff that seems to have been deleted, but the very fact that you are still referencing it makes me want to know what it was!

Anyway - you all take yourselves far too seriously.
By Misfit
Yudster wrote:I've only been away a couple of hours and I am COMPLETELY confused. Everyone is referencing stuff that seems to have been deleted, but the very fact that you are still referencing it makes me want to know what it was!

my situation exactly. I have no clue, at all, and its doing my head in, I blame badger, (its not his fault, he just seems like a laugh, and It'll be funny to see what meme he posts up in response)
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As a long-term member of this here place, I feel as though I - maybe - can help Mr Deadly.

A few years ago I made a drunken post I have regretted since, it was directed at a fellow member, after I'd had way too many. I have learnt my lesson since and recently went back to remove said post and replace it with an apology. I don't drink as much these days. But most of all, I am grateful for the edit facility - for this alone.

I suppose without making light of forum spats, the point I'm making is, you learn to rub along nicely. The trick is to respond creatively to anything that annoys you - you WILL be tested, countless times. Those memes/gifs do a great job of eradicating tension within a very passionate and diverse forum.

Most of all it's only the internets, have a laugh, and remember to only post what you would be prepared to scream at that person's face in the real world.
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By a-moron
Misfit wrote:I blame badger, (its not his fault, he just seems like a laugh, and It'll be funny to see what meme he posts up in response)


Will this do -

SAV1OUR wrote:As a long-term member of this here place, I feel as though I - maybe - can help Mr Deadly.

A few years ago I made a drunken post I have regretted since, it was directed at a fellow member, after I'd had way too many. I have learnt my lesson since and recently went back to remove said post and replace it with an apology. I don't drink as much these days. But most of all, I am grateful for the edit facility - for this alone.

Most of all it's only the internets, have a laugh, and remember to only post what you would be prepared to scream at that person's face in the real world.

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By MK Chris
I love Gary Larson's Far Side.
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By neilt0
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By Boboff
I have had reason to be mightily offended by the Moderation and Close personal relationship / "Buddy" thing between Chrys and NIc in the past, and it's the reason I stopped posting so much here.

But then again it's just life, when someone smooses the Mods, their brown nosing doesn't go unrewarded.

Glad to see nothing changes!
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By Yudster
I love you Boboff.
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By dimtimjim
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By Longview01
Yudster wrote:I love you Boboff.

Its hard not too

Saturday is up