The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By The Deadly
Dom has said it on air Dave I believe has hinted at it in air plus a few of us know for sure he has left the BBC. Like I said there's no reason why either of them couldn't come back tomorrow if they wanted to.
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By Yudster
I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't on R1 any more, I'm not sure where he would fit in now. But that doesn't mean he can't work at the BBC on other stations, as he already has done.
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By Travis Bickle
Nicola_Red wrote:Yep, Aled told us that on Thu, but none of us could remember if it was for public knowledge or not so we all kept quiet!

Well, one of the group has made it abundantly clear that he was privy to confidential info and has dropped enough hints! :o
Last edited by Travis Bickle on Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Yudster
I thought Dave couldn't sink any lower than Dancing on Ice - how wrong can you be.
By bwfcol
My hope was that Dave does the jungle to fill time/make money until Jan when he's back with Chris. My hope seems to have gone with his Tweets today.
By Emmy
It is filmed in November, and it has been mentioned here that Dave is the team member who may soon be seen in 'another land'. Putting that together with the fact that he we know he's not exactly averse to appearing on reality shows, and it doesn't look like an entirely implausible theory. Failing that, maybe Roy Walker could make an appearance instead, given that the first thing he said to Ant and Dec on the show the other day was that he was free for the jungle!
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By Travis Bickle
bwfcol wrote:My hope was that Dave does the jungle to fill time/make money until Jan when he's back with Chris. My hope seems to have gone with his Tweets today.

Seems like it.

Dave Vitty‏@davidvitty
Sorry for those of you who have already bought tickets & are now disappointed. Exciting times ahead though. Clean break and a fresh start x
By supermattrhodes
Considering what Dave has just tweeted, "clean break and a fresh start", I would take that as his days of doing much with Chris in a work/professional capacity are pretty much done and dusted.
Last edited by supermattrhodes on Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By neilt0
Ilovematt wrote:Dave in the jungle 8O That will be boring viewing :lol:

Dave, Dave, Dave of the Jungle! Watch Out For That Tree!
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By Nicola_Red
We asked Aled outright if Dave would be on I'm A Celeb and he didn't say yes, but didn't say no either.
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By The Deadly
Nicola_Red wrote:We asked Aled outright if Dave would be on I'm A Celeb and he didn't say yes, but didn't say no either.

If you saw the look on Aled's face I'd say it's a yes but thats just how I read it. Could easily be wrong.

If he does go in the jungle he'll be really good I think.
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Yeah get Dominic in too, bit of Folkface in the jungle. Perfect.
By bevanuk
Spot on bmstinton

From Twitter:
Thanks again for all your lovely messages. For those asking if I will be on the Chris Moyles Live tour in November, I won't I'm afraid.

Sorry for those of you who have already bought tickets & are now disappointed. Exciting times ahead though. Clean break and a fresh start x

Another sign pointing to the jungle if you ask me...
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By The Deadly
It doesn't point to the Jungle as such but Dave is the sort of typical reality show guy so to speak so he'll be going down that route no doubt.
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By Yudster
I don't see Dave as a typical reality show celebrity at all - I think that's why I thought his stint on DoI was so awful. I have never watched I'm a Celeb for more than a few moments at a time, so I don't know if he will fit in there or not, but given that the programme is of a genre I despise, if he DOES fit in I will be both surprised and disappointed. I can't think of many more damning indictments than "he was a really good reality show contestant".
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At least he's not a flash in the pan celeb though - he'll never be in my eyes anyway.
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By Nicola_Red
Deadly wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:We asked Aled outright if Dave would be on I'm A Celeb and he didn't say yes, but didn't say no either.

If you saw the look on Aled's face I'd say it's a yes but thats just how I read it. Could easily be wrong.

I thought that too, but don't wanna make it sound as if he said something when he didn't! :)
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