Always wanted to know something about the show? This is the place to 'Ask Aled'!
Aled wrote:
Yudster wrote:Do you think that when Chris is away Scott Mills makes a conscious effort to sabotage the show by being so appallingly bad the listening figures drop to a level they actually might never recover from? Because if he isn't doing it on purpose, its a really big accident.

No, Yudster. That's a horrible thing to say.

Scott's show has been actually very funny over the last fortnight.

We want Scott to do as well as possible because if our ratings dropped while we were away then our figures overall would reflect that. He has a different style to what we do - and is the best at what he does, but he's in a lose/lose situation with out listeneres. If he TRIED to do what Chris does he'd get slated because our listeners would hate that, but when he does his own thing he gets comments like what you give.

Scott and Chris are mates. Scott's, Chappers, Emlyn and Laura sit next to us in the office and we all get on very well. I'm relieved we're in the situation that when we're away we have such a safe pair of hands to leave the show with.


I know you have to be diplomatic about these things, but sorry when Scott Mills is hosting, I put something, anything else on when I am driving, I just cannot stand the guy, he isn't funny, and certainly isn't talented at all, I can't understand how he got his job (I mean really who did he have to sleep with to get there?) Scott is not a patch on Chris and to be honest isn't fit to be breathing the same air that the Savior and I believe should be nominated as the "Lord" of Radio One, Sir Christopher of Moyles

the Breakfast team is great, what a perfect balance you guys have (give yourself a pat on the back), but Scotts show is a mess, like a horrid train accident happening in slow motion, do people really find him funny at all? flirt/divert is tired and played out, I like Chappers, but I wont sit through Mill's show just for that.

// Chris acting like he didn't know what Carrie was on about not being able to get a bikini wax this week was priceless.
/// Chicken Stevens? in a word. AWESOME

and my question is this, if you could get a celeb co-presenter in for a week, who would you want?

Stuff about me possibly renting a room off you aside (although still waiting to hear back from you about that, but I know you've been a bit busy lately, well done by the way).

Is it of any concern to Radio1 or the team that the latest survey reported that the average age of listeners to the show was about 31/32 when Radio 1 are trying to appeal more to "the kids". Has a conscious decision been made to try to make the show appeal to a more youthful audience at some stage?

At worst I'd just settle for your thoughts on the subject really.


Andy B
Aled you were ROBBED!!!!!!!!!! I watched two episodes of Scissorhands, Daves Bum, and the final - you were so shafted there. You presented yourself and your model a hundred times better than Ninjitsu, you clearly had a much better grasp of what you were doing than she did, and at the end the short side of Ninny's model's hair looked terrible, you could see where she had gone completely wrong all over the place! And you were gorgeous too. The team in the audience were hilarious. Anyway, feel the love Aled, you deserve it. Anyone who can survive three weeks in company with Steve Strange without giving in to the urge to explain to him that he is just there as a joke is a hero. You're a star.
Only on this occasion. He really was you know. I was shouting at the telly!
Have to agree, after all his hard work and effort and actually sounding like he knew what he was on about like a proper hairdresser and everything they awarded it to Ms Benjamin. Robbed!

Also loved the fact that whenever Scott Mills was on camera he always had a drink in his hand.
foot-loose wrote:...And the winner of the forum licky licky brown nose goes to....

If you're awarding it, could you snatch it from Yudwuk and give it to Walter Sobchak?
I'm keeping it. No one gets my licky-licky brown nose away from me. No-one.
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By S4B
Aled! You obviously have a problem with us. I don't enjoy being misrepresented to 8 million people and I'd like to understand why you're being so vicious about us.

Chris mentioned that you're our "leader"? Since when? You have your own site and if we wanted a leader we'd come and play on your site rather than be on here.

I'm disappointed that you obviously think we're retarded idiots who don't understand Chris' humour, I think the problem is yours though and that you don't understand ours.

We're not cliquey and the only newbies we shoot down are the stupid ones! There have been many new members recently who post regularly and that we haven't brought down in flames!

Will you please come in the chatroom at some point and discuss it with us like adults!?
I think Moyles' rants about us are all part of the show's humour.
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