The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Loz
Dick Cheese is improving actually, but Chris is slowly trying to become Radcliffe it seems.
By Loz
Well if he put in as much effort as radcliffe it would be good but too many radcliffes spoil the broth.
By Lazy_Gimp
How do you pronounce your name?<br>Yeah I agree!  :)
By sigimck
Sigi(nickname) McK(start of second name)<br>As Comedy Dave would say every day is a school day!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Lazy_Gimp
Ah! But did you know that Mck is Scottish for "son of". Indeed, everyday is a school day!! <br>Comedy Dave is freakilly fast- he's obv. worked in radio too long, altho I did beat him once, but I cant remember what the song was.....Hmm!
By Lara
i think he was way too quick...but it can't be hard when all the contestants seemed to be a bit brain dead and kept on giggling...i beat (on my own) him a few times...
By Podey
If i had made my name up by using a bit of each part of it it would be PAWI. Think i'll stick with Podey!<P>I got that nickname from my 3year old cousin who is always saying names with a 'y' on the end (mommy, daddy, granny, Kerry (my sister),Susy (her mum), Becky(her sister), etc) and my nickname was 'pode' (dont ask-i dont even know why)and it became Podey<P>I've just realised how boring that is to read....
By Podey
Cos i'm an only child (if you dont count my sister) and i was in a talking mood (thats what 2 hours of Maths at college does to you - you'll talk any bull to anyone!)<P>Hmmm... i'm not really myself at the mo, am i?<P>From now on i will talk less...... but dont count on it!

Small gap in editing to come