The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By Pippa
Hello everyone,

It's Pippa here and thought I'd come on to say hello to you all - admittedly with a slight bit of trepidation as you are the most loyal of the Chris Moyles Show listeners :)

But I wanted to put post on to let you know that I do read this forum and take on board what you have to say, no matter how brutal some of it is (my silent laughing, or just laughing in general for a start... just to clarify, I find a lot of things funny :) pleased I've grown a thick skin over the years!)

I gather that many of you who really loved the old show are frustrated that we are not the same team or do the same things the old show did, and I understand that - I was a huge fan of the old show myself. But, we are a different, smaller team and a different show, and although I don't think we will ever stop being compared to the old one, I do really hope that we will grow on you more as develop.

So yes, this was just to say that your comments and opinions are always read - and where possible I will come on here to have a look and maybe reply if I think I can help.

All we want is to keep you laughing in the morning and generally do loads of silly stuff to keep you entertained :)

Just so you know, all 4 of us (as well as the guys behind the scenes) really enjoy doing the show, it's a lovely team here - I always thought I'd dread a 4am alarm call on a morning - but as it goes... I look forward to getting in!

Anyway - stick with us. Loads of good stuff to come.

Pip xxxx
By Misfit
Hello Pippa

Thanks for taking the time to come on the forum!

Chris is it possible to have an ask Pippa section of the forum if Pippa is up for it?

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By Pippa
Hello :)

Yes I do pop on here now and again - it's good to see what you're all talking about (I remember sitting with Aled when he was replying to you all back at Radio 1)

Chris (as in Chris) has offered to do an Ask Pippa thread.. I'll probs start that up soon although I'm a bit wary I won't be able to answer straight away or be on here a lot so don't want to keep people hanging. Still, my first aim was to let you know that I'm here and very much take an interest in what listeners have to say. The on-air Pippa is slightly different to this one so I can put on my producer-head a little more (rather than my Prosecco-head :))

Anyway - one more week of Best Ofs next week and then Chris is back... I'm missing him

Hope you're all getting some sunshine this week

Pippa x
By Doggyboner1510
Hey pippa can you give us a day or two on the quizzes sometimes as I have to download from here and listen to it the day after as I don't have dab radio in my postvan unless u can sort me a adaptive out then could convert our posties ad any chance of a mug xx
By Randomisation20
A fair message from Pippa and I am sure the new show will get much stronger but it interesting having listened to the week of 'longest breakfast show tour broadcasts' in August 2009 how sparky adn driven the show was. I think the Radio X show albeit a smaller team could maybe move a little bit that way and the show would benefit The talent of the team at Radio X is definitely there an they are doing a entertaining show and to say the energy of the Sat Show IS impressive and the more structured approach does help the show which may be the way to go
By bwfcol
Great to have Pippa on board! I always enjoyed Aled's answers and enjoy Pippa's contribution on air

I think some of the comments on here are a bit harsh but I listen to the edited shows on here so I have a different perspective probably as in the music/ads don't impact me!

I'm in Melbourne and you guys need to get Global to pay for shows over here because the brand name says it all really!

If you ever need an Australian listener then let me know! Keep going too because Australian radio, as Dom says, is horrific.
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By Topher
WeekendAtBernies wrote:I still can't believe that voice belongs to that face

Pretty uncalled for. Grow up.
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By Pippa
Hey all - a lovely nutty forum (not just nutty, lovely nutty)

Topher - to be fair it's a ROUNDABOUT compliment of sorts, I have a funny old voice it sounds so much better in my head, I turn the radio down in the office when a promo comes on with me wanging on. So you're actually not wrong!

Also - I appreciate comments about the structure of the show... I totally get that some people do prefer signposted features and things to anchor various points in their morning routine. At the moment we are really enjoying fluidity and moving with the feel of the show each day - some days we have so much to get through but roll with something that happens right at the start (like NME-gate). But will totally take that on board as I know that the Saturday show also is strong in its format and rhythm.

Hope you are all well and, for those of you who can, have a lovely sunny Bank Holiday weekend :)

Just over a week to go and we have him back

This is Pippa checking out! (I will never live that down)

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By Yudster
Aren't you lovely.
By rocka23
Whilst I share the idea of some structure I agree the Saturday show is the time to trial them and, for me, they should be new features rather than dredging up ones from the past, the comments in this forum around Rob DJ have proved that.

I have heard some funny things on the Saturday show but I agree nothing with enough legs to pull into the live shows regularly, everybody will know when it lands no doubt.

Dom letters is my favourite current "feature" I know it's a slow burner when you struggling for numbers but stick with it as there has been some diamonds in there.

As chance would have it next week is my holiday so pleased I can return with Chris. Have good festival weekends everybody.
By welshblob
rocka23 wrote:Whilst I share the idea of some structure I agree the Saturday show is the time to trial them and, for me, they should be new features rather than dredging up ones from the past, the comments in this forum around Rob DJ have proved that.

I'm not sure what comments on RobDJ you are referring to other than I think its better recorded than live as Rob is not a natural comedian (sorry Rob!) and is in another studio so the timing can be off. I don't mind the pub quiz myself as it was only a weekly feature on the old show and is on this one. I agree that we don't want the old features necessarily but there can be a spin on things as the pub quiz, carpark catchphrase and where's westwood were all clip based, driven by chris on the desk and allowed him and the team to riff off that. Maybe one daily feature based around that device would be good.

I also enjoy audience interaction so Dom's letters is great and I do like callers but there is a fine line with laughing with them or at them although I get the impression Chris doesn't like this type of feature, unless that is part of the act. I have enjoyed Chris' interviews and would suggest this is something that could be built on. By this I mean an interview that isn't live but recorded which would allow it to be more relaxed and deeper which I think Chris has the ability to do. Highlights could be played out on the show with more on the podcast and this would get around the issue of having to get them in during live hours. I partly say this as I've recently got into the Adam Buxton podcast and am really enjoying those. In fact get Adam on the show for an interview to discuss his podcast, comedic history and love of bowie. I also think this is something which could last beyond the Radio X show as well.

Ads are ads and the music isn't that offensive to me and has improved since the show started although will always suffer from a perceived constrained feeling given the narrower focus than other commercial stations.

I'm generally fascinated with what happens behind scenes on a show like this, the production, choices of on air personas challenges and how much you analyse the show without over analysing it and killing the creativity. Also I've love someone to explain Rajars and the FM vs DAB and BBC vs Commercial expectations.

Anyway that's enough from me and i note that Pippa has not provided me with her number. Maybe this is her shrewd persona :-)
By Misfit
welshblob wrote: I've love someone to explain Rajars and the FM vs DAB and BBC vs Commercial expectations.

RAJARS- Radio Listening figures - Most commercial and all bbc stations get them. The station will get an indepth breakdown of what shows are getting what where. Normally public see what a station has overall (see the rajar website)

FM/DAB - FM is what you'll find in most peoples cars and what some people call "proper radio". DAB is digital, so what you get on TV and also what Radio X is national on (D1). It is on FM in Manchester and London only. (Although if the weather is right, I sometimes get a crackly listen in yorkshire!)

BBC/Commercial - BBC have different values. Chris was probably often tangled in Red Tape at R1. Whilst being national networks (and occasionally simulcasting 1xtra) BBC national stations tend to not to network shows. (At night most local stations link up to 5Live though). Commercial is different radio in that they have to play adverts and generally will get songs in a set order and generally only do local shows at Breakfast and Drivetime. Obviously Chris has a different set of rules because..well he's chris..but the adverts still have to be played. He is generally a bit different in the Commercial radio world as he's allowed to do more or less what he wants. Most stations have link lengths of about 40 seconds ish (I know one with 30second then 4 tracks) Etc. Easy way to summarise it though, you pay for the BBC in your license fee, you pay for commercial by going to a shop you've heard on the adverts and buying something. They then buy more adverts etc.

Hope that helps.
By Misfit
oh and Pippa! Do you do any work on any other shows on X or is TCMS a full time thing?

Many Thanks
Last edited by Misfit on Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

Saturday is up