Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By dimtimjim
By R94N
I respond to you with this

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By Bruvva
Jeremy Clarkson...HA! His squirming over the saying "nigger", first by denying he said it then having to backtrack and apologise after realising he'd been FILMED saying it is * priceless. HA! Again! Also, he seems to be apologising for basically being found out.
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By The Deadly
What is said in private should stay private. The fact is he is singing (mumbling) the words to a song. If he was walking up to black people and outright calling them that word then that's a different issue entirely.
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By Topher
I'd like to make clear I've not seen the video and this is the first I've heard that he's admitted saying it - if that's true then that does change everything really, as I had spoken to Chrysostom yesterday, who didn't think he had said it.

Having said that, if it's proven or if he admitted that he said it, that is absolutely a sacking offence in my opinion. Private or not, racism like that is unacceptable and must be called out. Carol Thatcher, I seem to recall, was rightly sacked from the One Show for referring to Jo-Wilfried Tsonga a golliwog in the green room. The BBC must not be seen to be spending licence fee money - paid by a very diverse public - on racist people.
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By The Deadly
I wondered when the head of the pc brigade would chip in.

It is not racism, it's not even close to being racist because of the context he was using it in. He was mumbling lyrics to a song, in private without the intention of it being broadcast. In this case the word used by Clarkson can be labelled as an offensive term and rightly he has apologised for it and had he been on camera elaborating about the word used, adding derogatory statements about black people then you and the rest of the pc brigade would have a valid point. Words are all about the context they are used in and every successful rapper would be in jail if context didn't come in to play when relating to the N word.
He has apologised so get over it. Clarkson is someone you obviously have an issue with politically and because you have issues with class so that's why you have such an issue with this. Should this have been a working class hero who'd have done this you wouldn't have said a word! This is a classic example of what is wrong with this country today. You bitch and moan and get offended on other peoples behalf, accuse people of bullying and racism willy nilly. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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By Topher
It's not up to your or I to decide what is racist and what's not though, is it? Look at all the middle-class white people defending Clarkson and then look how many black people are? I sort of agree with you on context though: if a black person wants to use that word, that's up to them, they are the ones who have suffered at the use of it through the years; however it's plainly unacceptable for a white person to ever use in my opinion.
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By chrysostom
I don't like Clarkson, but I don't even think he said the word.

If anything this is unhelpful towards the battle in racism, as you'll get people polarised - meaning either:

- Those who think he said it & shouldn't have will call for a disproportionate reaction (sacking, fines etc.)
- Those who don't think he said it will get het up about 'PC gone mad'
- Those who think he said it & should be allowed to say it start spouting about how it's not that bad & racism doesn't exist

None of which are helpful.

I don't consider this racism, or racist behaviour - but I don't doubt that Clarkson probably does hold some (quite) racist views...however this isn't evidence of it.
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By The Deadly
I absolutely agree Clarkson probably does in private hold various questionable view yes.
Sorry Toph I ranted a bit but for the past few days I've seen fine upstanding people like Stan Collymore lay into Clarkson over this issue and also convicted Labour MP expense fiddlers throwing their opinion in on Sky News. It really gets my back up.
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By Topher
So has he not admitted to saying it?

Not a problem Deadly, I enjoy a good debate with you... I think you're a tit sometimes, but you doubtless think the same of me. Also I have either missed your appearance on The Chase (even though I've seen every episode since you said you weren't going to say when it was on), or it's coming up when the show comes back on, whenever that may be.
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By The Deadly
I've heard nothing from them so there is every chance I've missed it myself. They said they'd email me when they knew the date it would be aired but I've heard nothing. All I have to show for my day at itv studios is a signed photo of Anne Hegarty......
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By Topher
Ha well we know who your Chaser was then. Or did you meet all of them, I imagine they film a few episodes in one day?
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By The Deadly
No it's pretty rush rush stuff. You go in, film it and then leave. You don't even meet your own Chaser. Bradley Walsh is nice though, he speaks to you all the time in between filming.
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By dimtimjim
My opinion on this is it's all blown out of proportion.

Used in the wrong context the N word is wholly unacceptable; and my views on racism being pointless and outdated have been previously documented. However, I do not believe the context in which Jezza said (or didn't say) it should be so derided.

Jus' an excuse to give a controversial public figure a hard time. What offends one, does not necessarily offend the next, and vice versa; as I know all to well from this very forum...
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By The Deadly
Yep fully agreed. As I noted earlier the kind of cretins coming out of the woodwork to give Clarkson a kicking makes me chuckle. As soon as someone opens the "racist door" Stan Collymore is straight in there with his extreme militant opinions. He isn't so quick to comment on domestic violence matters though is he?
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By Bruvva
He has previous though, the "slope" incident being a case in point.

He is NOT a nice man.
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By Topher
Bruvva wrote:He has previous though, the "slope" incident being a case in point.

He is NOT a nice man.

Yep. Excuse the fact it's The Mirror.
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By chrysostom
Do you know what?

I'm actually quite angry about this now - if people want to raise awareness of racial inequality & persecution, there are REAL cases of this out there. There are worse things happening out there right now - if people want to have a go at Clarkson, then fine. But this isn't about racial equality, it's about people wanting to be outraged over something relatively minor.

This comes days after the Donald Sterling incident - a real case providing evidence of institutionalised racism, actively showing prejudice at a high level.
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By neilt0
chrysostom wrote:Do you know what?

I'm actually quite angry about this now - if people want to raise awareness of racial inequality & persecution, there are REAL cases of this out there. There are worse things happening out there right now - if people want to have a go at Clarkson, then fine. But this isn't about racial equality, it's about people wanting to be outraged over something relatively minor.

This comes days after the Donald Sterling incident - a real case providing evidence of institutionalised racism, actively showing prejudice at a high level.

I disagree. Casual racism is insidious and has no signs of going away. It perpetuates stereotypes and increases discrimination.

There are those who think Sterling "didn't do anything" because he didn't physically harm people.

There are obviously degrees of racism, but Clarkson should not get a pass because "Hey, it's only a joke! Lighten up!" No, don't diminish his repeated, unapologetic acts.

He's only being incredibly apologetic and humble now because he knows if he doesn't grovel, he'll lose that £18m a year income.

Personally, I don't think he should be fired, but he should get a warning from the Beeb and there should be less tolerance (zero?) of any future infractions. He can be as racist as he likes at home with his little dog, as long as he doesn't take money from the public.
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By neilt0
neilt0 wrote:Personally, I don't think he should be fired, but he should get a warning from the Beeb and there should be less tolerance (zero?) of any future infractions. He can be as racist as he likes at home with his little dog, as long as he doesn't take money from the public.

The BBC agreed with me. Apart from the last part. He can't even be racist with his little dog:
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By The Deadly
He wasn't racist with his dog, the dog just happened to have black hair. I'd argue that those throwing the accusation of racism are in fact the racists as they have made that link where nobody of sane mind would. Get a clue and get off your high horse.
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