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By Misfit
had a wisdom tooth out yesterday and cant smoke for 48 hours (stressful) and I also cant drink, eat the normal food I eat, or generally be me.
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By Topher
Well at least you will stink less.
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By Bonanzoid
Misfit wrote:had a wisdom tooth out yesterday and cant smoke for 48 hours (stressful) and I also cant drink, eat the normal food I eat, or generally be me.

At least there's an upside.

By Misfit

Didnt smoke for a couple of days and did the whole saltwater mouthwash bollocks, pain went fairly quickly but still get occasional aches which are suppose to last a week... brilliant!
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By Nicola_Red
After my gum incident the other week I drank coffee with a straw out of one side of my mouth for almost a week. People look at you kind of weird but meh.
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By Latina
I haven't had a particularly fun 2014 so far, healthwise. Nothing really bad I don't think, just quite disruptive. Advice from anyone with experience in the following areas(all of which are new to me) is welcome...

For most of January and February I was affected by a nasty Virus-induced skin rash called pityriasis rosea, which covered pretty much everything except my hands, feet and face. Thankfully it has all disappeared now (it lasted 5 weeks in all), but I seem to have been left with some nasty itchy areas, mainly on my legs, hands, wrists and forearms. I think it's eczema but I've never had that before other than on my hands every winter, so am not sure. I've run out of the creams I got from the doctor, so many ask for something else if I'm back there soon (see below). I am already washing my clothes in sensitive skin-friendly washing powder (and using minimal amounts), but I have to confess I gave up the lukewarm showers and trying to keep cool at night (which helped during the rash) as I just hate not being warm in winter and was desperate to get back to normal as soon as possible. I guess I might have to try that again.

Anyway, I also have another problem. About 10 days ago I drank a few glasses of wine on the same night I was taking Nurofen Plus (ibuprofen/codeine) - a complete one-off for me due to circumstances, won't be doing that again! - and my stomach has been acting weird ever since. I started having stomach pain whenever I was hungry or ate anything. I immediately suspected the ibuprofen and stopped taking it (I had been taking it for period pains - which are usually so bad that they cause me to overdose slightly, e.g. 3 tablets instead of 2). I googled around and found out about stomach ulcers. However, the pain wasn't all that bad and I didn't have any of the other symptoms, so I wondered if perhaps I'd just irritated my stomach lining. In the week since then I have been following all the dietry advice for ulcers and other gastro-related problems, and my symptoms have improved a little. However, main issues now are that I feel full after even small amounts of food and am getting "water brash" (saliva coming up) after I eat or whenever I attempt vigorous exercise.

I am usually a pretty active person, who also happens to love cheese, wine, tea and chocolate, so this is all getting me down. :/ I haven't made a doctor's appointment yet - I admit that seeing them so often in January has put me off a little and made me paranoid I was turning into a hypochondriac - but something has definitely not been right for over a week now, so I guess I'd better act.

Also, sorry I haven't posted for so long. But I do still lurk a lot and seeing other health problem posts inspired me to moan on here a little (okay, a lot).
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By Nicola_Red
I suffer pretty badly with indigestion and acid reflux, so I can empathise. I also take a fair few painkillers for my arthritis and a dodgy shoulder that's connected in a roundabout way to my bad hip. Anti-inflammatories are usually what's prescribed for arthritis, so I've taken almost all the painkillers in that family at some point :)

It's very true that ibuprofen based tablets can be bad for your stomach, even if you don't have an ulcer or somesuch, they can irritate the lining. My dad took them for years, and eventually ended up with internal bleeding - obviously that is from years of repeated daily use, so don't panic, but it just shows the effect they can have. If you still need painkillers, definitely switch to co-codamol or something in the paracetomol family instead from now on.

As for gastric problems, I doubt I have any advice that's beyond what you already know from googling - eat slowly, chew thoroughly, don't eat standing up, don't lie down immediately after food. Alas, you probably need to be eating fairly light and staying mainly on the protein side of things, at least for a while! I'm not 100% sure if those symptoms are related to stomach acid - it might be worth going to the doctor and asking if they are, cos if so they could put you on a course of omeprazole. I've had that twice, once after the pain was so bad that I couldn't keep anything down and lost 5lbs in a weekend, and another time when it was just a daily long-term annoyance. Both times it cleared it up.

So yeah, I suspect it's time to see a doctor. I know what you mean about feeling like a hypochondriac - when I had a constant cold and cough last winter, I think I was there four times in as many months! But it's gotta be done. And presumably they'll be able to give you something for the rash too. I'm assuming you're using hydrocortisone cream already - I have psoriasis, but as that doesn't itch, I have no experience in treating virus rashes. Ha, a health problem I don't have :)
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By Latina
Thanks Nic! That's all very helpful. :) If by hydrocortisone cream you mean steroid cream (sorry, I'm still new to all this), yes I had been using them. I still have a little bit left over but may ask for more if they're meant to be effective for this sort of itching. I'll certainly ask for another big pump of moisturiser.

I've also been losing weight, but nothing more than what I usually would be if I was making an effort, and I know I've been eating less. Thankfully there's been no vomiting although the water-brash does feel like mild nausea.

I'm actually having a birthday party tomorrow, which I'd considered cancelling, but it's only a small group of close friends attending. So unless I feel worse than now, I think I'll still go ahead with it and just keep on the sensible diet (and stay off the alcohol obviously).

I keep changing my mind as to whether I might have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or gastritis (or an ulcer, at worst). The symptoms are so similar and it doesn't help that mine seem to have changed from one to the other over the course of a week. So I'll make sure I get some answers.

The other thing is I am just hoping I don't need an endoscopy, as the idea of that scares me. Hopefully they'll just put me on some suitable drugs, ask me to come back if it doesn't go away, and it will go away...
By Misfit
Lost a very close friend to old age yesterday. I had such a busy day yesterday I couldn't really think about it, but having sat and thought about it on the milk round, it's made me feel awful for being so busy I didn't see her for the last couple of months. :/
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By Nicola_Red
Sorry to hear that Misfit.

On another note I just cracked a tooth :(
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By dimtimjim
Misfit wrote:Lost a very close friend to old age yesterday. I had such a busy day yesterday I couldn't really think about it, but having sat and thought about it on the milk round, it's made me feel awful for being so busy I didn't see her for the last couple of months. :/

A close friend of mine has just lost his Dad... And not seen him for the last 10 years.

Life is too short people; make time for those you love, regardless of little disagreements.
By JayE
Misfit wrote:Lost a very close friend to old age yesterday. I had such a busy day yesterday I couldn't really think about it, but having sat and thought about it on the milk round, it's made me feel awful for being so busy I didn't see her for the last couple of months. :/

Sorry to hear about your loss Alex.
By Misfit
cheers guys, it was my godfathers mother, but we used to see her once a week. bit of a shock, and it made me quite ashamed i hadnt made an effort to be in touch. also, my grandmas had a few dizzy spells and took a tumble yesterday, and on top of that, i went flying down on the milk round this morning and landed on a glass bottle so now my leg is pretty mangles. not a great few days.
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By Bruvva
Jury service. My GOD I've never known such boredom. Today will be my 4th day of just sitting in a big waiting room with nothing but my Kindle for company while I wait until such time as I'm needed.
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By Topher
Oh I've never done it.. I thought if you weren't picked the first day, you didn't have to go in after that? Either way I'd love to do it (but actually get picked).
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By dimtimjim
If you have a criminal record you don't get called for Jury Duty... Shame on you for being so squeaky clear, Bruvva. :wink:
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By Latina
I'm quite sure they are. As is the fact that I have to hold my breath walking past his room if his door is ajar, and that he now takes an average of one shower every three weeks (not an exaggeration - also noticed he keeps a bottle of shampoo at the sink).

I feel I should point out, we're actually good friends. It's just his computer geekiness seems to have reached concerning levels lately. I'm trying to figure out a way to nicely confront the issue with him.
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By The Deadly
Been looking through the current controversy regarding the Daily Mail online. I can't believe some of the photos they are posting of very young girls wearing next to nothing. How do they get away with it?
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