Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Bruvva
Tell all, quietly listening to music in the office to soothe a hangover people..

Yes, it's Folk, I'm turning into my parents. Also, it's soothing which is helping my head out no end.
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By Nicola_Red
The sound of my colleagues on the phones. The radio is on in the background but I can't even tell what station it is, let alone what they're playing.
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By Yudster
The interminable droning of a colleague who has one of the two most annoying voices in the world.
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By Yudster
Now I am listening to another colleague with the other one of the two most annoying voices in the world. The thing that winds me up is that they are both answering the phone in my office - and I would never have employed either one of them to do that.
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By Bonanzoid
I'm currently listening to Bladecatcher by Mastodon. Reminds me of me ol' band.

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By MK Chris
bmstinton93 wrote:Ellie Goulding - Jolene. Very random...

Assuming that's a cover of Dolly Parton's song, you should listen to the original, it's brilliant.
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By Bruvva
Nipple fish by Coffee Boys as I've found an ANCIENT progressive house mix CD from years back...Good old Dave Seaman (no, not the ex Arsenal keeper).

*edit* Good lord, it's actually on youtube.

Saturday is up