Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By brads26
Hi everyone,
I am trying to find a sound clip off one of Chris' shows where someone said "I wanna be an adult baby"
If anyone could post the clip that would be great.

Many thanks
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By Nicola_Red
If you have the date and approximate time, we can clip it.
By brads26
It used to just be played as a clip every now and then, so Im not sure of dates..
It literally was just a guys voice saying "I wanna be an adult baby" I know Im vague, sorry..
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By G-Sizzle
it's a Scott Mills bit you're referring to I'm afraid.

His sidekick Chris was doing a prank call and in a last ditch attempt to get a reaction from whoever he was calling, he yelled "I'm an adult baby!"
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By Nicola_Red
I thought it didn't ring any bells. In that case, try requesting it over at unofficialmills.

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