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Which Is your favorite song suggested by someone other than you.

Yudster- Cliff Richard - Little Town
No votes
Dim Tim - RATM - Killing in the name of
No votes
BMSTINTON - The Poques and The Very Talented and lovely, and perfectly sized Kirsty McColl, RIP- Fairytale of New York
No votes
NIc - Gregg Lake - I believe in Father Christmas
Slaphead - Hurts- all I want for Christmas
No votes
Bruvva - St Etiene - I was born on Christmas
No votes
Chrys - DOminic the Italian DOnkey
Neil - Waitresses - Chrtistmas Wrapping * VOTE FOR ME*
Howabout94 - Band Aid- Do they know it's Christmas
Ryan - Coldplay - Christmas Lights, Shite Song
No votes
Jaye - Wizzard- I wish it could be Christmas Everyday
Nade- Shakin Stevens - Merry Christmas Everyone
No votes
Boboff - James Arthur - Impossible, great track, but not as good as Waitresses
No votes
Charlalovelylottie- SLade - Merry Christmas Everybody
No votes
Boner - The darkness - Christmas Time ( Vote for just cause Toph Hates it!)
Deadly - The Idols - Merry Xmas (War is Over)
Badger - Wham- Stick you chipolata up my ring, then make like the blanket on Pigs in Blankets.
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By Boboff
Not sure what happened to Ben, but I'll do this if people want to suggest there best Christmas song.

Make it more interesting and say that it has to have charted in a December chart.

Entries up until Friday, Poll up to Xmas Eve.

Any takers ( ok Badge I know you like to give!) :D
Last edited by Boboff on Sat Dec 22, 2012 8:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By Yudster
Oooh - this will be useful, I am compiling a Christmas playlist at the moment and I have all the usual suspects on there, but hopefully this will throw up a few I haven't thought of.

I am a cheesy cow at Christmas and whilst I can't normally stomach Cliff Richard, two of his Christmas songs are my all time favourites. I think when this was done last year I went for Saviours Day, so this year I will nominate Cliff's version of O Little Town of Bethlehem, which I have been singing in the office for about a week now. Don't worry, there's hardly anyone here.

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By dimtimjim

RATM, charted for xmas few years ago (2010 I believe).

Lets Rock!

EDIT: Well done for stepping up Bob.
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By Nicola_Red
Greg Lake - I Believe In Father Christmas. Will try to post the video later.
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By slaphead1982
I'm with Red on this one:

I also like this one though:
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By Bruvva
Pogues as mentioned above, quite simply the best christmas song ever.

Closely followed by this

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By chrysostom
Well I guess I'll go in with the obvious (unless it's against the rules).

Chiggedy Chig!
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By dimtimjim
^^ That was my choice for the same GHG this time last year. Didn't win me owt tho...
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By dimtimjim
^^ Proof, if needed, Badger has too much time on his hands.

I know I picked it sometime for a GHG, feel free to research if you wish, I got better things to do with my time.
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By dimtimjim
Knew it. Cheers Andy.
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By neilt0
By R94N
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By nade
Gotta have old shaky.. Shakin Stevens Merry Christmas Everyone
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By Boboff

James Arthur Impossible for me I think. I love this, sings with the Angst of someones whose been buggered by his Dad for years!
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By a-moron

I have manage to dodge that song all through this year's festivities (a game inspired by our own Nic_Red).
I listen to my iPod whilst doing my shopping. I listen to CD's in the car. I haven't had the radio on in the house since Mr Moyles left us.
I haven't once had IT'S CHRIIISTMAAAAAAS floating around my noggin.

Until now.
Damn you Miss Lottie. Damn you very much.
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By Bonanzoid
This has been my staple for a few years now. The Darkness - Christmas Time.

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By MK Chris
I thought The Darkness were vastly overrated and that song's no different.
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By The Deadly
Topher wrote:I thought The Darkness were vastly overrated and that song's no different.

Holy shit we are in massive agreement.

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]