Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By slaphead1982
I've got a philips bdp3000/05 and last night it just stopped being usable. Ablue screen pops up and usually it has a menu on it but now it's just a blue screen, no menu, no nothing. I don't really want to throw money at a new player if this can be sorted.
If any of you can help with suggestions as to how to fix it I'd be gratefull.
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By a-moron
Have you tried putting some filthy porn in? Usually helps purge my hard-drive and resets my default software.
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By a-moron
Blue screens of death usually signal a cure more expensive than a new player. Well that's not entirely true but you know what I mean.
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By a-moron
Nope. Google was designed as the information go to for all man's masturbatory purposes. Not for fixing shit.
Don't sully Google's name foots.
(Sheesh, he's only been back a minute.)
By bmstinton93
foot-loose wrote:Can you upgrade the firmware somehow? Either by USB or disk? I suspect Google will be your friend in this quest.

he's been away for months and this is the first post made?!?!
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By foot-loose
2nd. The first was gay related. Not that I pander to stereotypes.

There's way too much to read back through all the old threads - might as well just pick up as though I've not been away.
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By Nicola_Red
foot-loose wrote:I vaguely remember him. What went down?

People complained about his stupid posts and he said he would leave, but the announcement that the show is ending brought him running back. He continued posting crap and people were getting really irritated, to the point that Chris (Harris) stepped in to warn people off bullying him, as he wasn't technically breaking any forum rules. But then he kept posting repeat questions in Ask Aled about the end date of the show etc, and I issued him a warning against harassing Aled (since the announcement, poor Aled is dealing with a ton of that sort of thing, which he obviously hasn't been in a position to answer). At which point CJ stropped off and said he was leaving, again.
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By foot-loose
Nicola_Red wrote:
foot-loose wrote:I vaguely remember him. What went down?

People complained about his stupid posts and he said he would leave, but the announcement that the show is ending brought him running back. He continued posting crap and people were getting really irritated, to the point that Chris (Harris) stepped in to warn people off bullying him, as he wasn't technically breaking any forum rules. But then he kept posting repeat questions in Ask Aled about the end date of the show etc, and I issued him a warning against harassing Aled (since the announcement, poor Aled is dealing with a ton of that sort of thing, which he obviously hasn't been in a position to answer). At which point CJ stropped off and said he was leaving, again.

I miss Internet forum drama.
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By foot-loose
Deadly wrote:I don't know who you are Foot-loose but I like the cut of your jib. A love a good jib.

You've made me chuckle a few times while catching up so I'll make the leap that you're an alright fella. Howdy :)
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By The Deadly
St@rk wrote:
Deadly wrote:If you say his name 3 times he appears. He's like a really crap Candyman.

^---- Excellent comment :D

I was completely accurate with this comment too. He's resurfaced.
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By DevilsDuck
Deadly wrote:
St@rk wrote:
Deadly wrote:If you say his name 3 times he appears. He's like a really crap Candyman.

^---- Excellent comment :D

I was completely accurate with this comment too. He's resurfaced.

Oh no... Are you okay Deadly

Small gap in editing to come