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who is the fittest neighbours honey?

mac (the WPC who is secretly a drug dealer)
susan kennedy
lyn scully
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By GF05
He also looks like he's wearing loads of makeup, especially round his eyes.

And i really wish they'd let the Stingray plot go, there really milking it.
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By fish heads
Quincy - you can watch the omnibus nowadays - although I relaise you posted your comment 3 months ago.

I met Karl Kennedy in real life before Christmas and then got my face on 2 seconds of a Neighbours doc on five. I'm moving up in the world
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By Quincy
yes im actually quite happy now with five. ive also started to watch home and away again now its on straight after. good acting today when that girl fell into the pool.
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By fish heads
My two-yearly bump of this legendary thread. Who would have thought when this thread started Summer would ever be in contention for this most worthy of titles?

(Yes, I still watch this)
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By fish heads
Oh it's great - as is this thread. After reading the first 20 or so pages of it just now, it is one of the most consistantly funny threads on this forum. Slightly suspect that "you had to be there" for everyone else though
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By fish heads
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:They need to get a new woman for Zeke now.

Don't know if he will ever top that girl who died when half of the school collapsed a year or two back. Sunny and that animal welfare woman were leagues behind the lostboy legend that is Zeke.
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By fish heads
catherine wrote:Does the program still exist?

Yes. I heard Richard Desmond bought five soully so he could watch Neighbours a few weeks in advance.
fish heads wrote:
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:They need to get a new woman for Zeke now.

Don't know if he will ever top that girl who died when half of the school collapsed a year or two back. Sunny and that animal welfare woman were leagues behind the lostboy legend that is Zeke.

The one with black hair was lovely - my ideal woman*

*assuming she was of legal age.
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By Quincy
summer hoyland always had clear potential to be a total babe. is she still in it? zejes sister was hot but i cant remember her name :(
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By dimtimjim
Jeez, this thread has just shot me back 20 years!!

I remember getting all sweaty to Kylie in this, let alone half the girls since then!

Dunny watch it these days, so couldn't comment on standards, but as a young lad, I always used to 'appreciate' the naighbours ladies....
Quincy wrote:summer hoyland always had clear potential to be a total babe. is she still in it? zejes sister was hot but i cant remember her name :(

Its a different Summer - shes ok but theres something not quite right about her.

Zeke has two sisters - Katya and Rachel and both were hot but Rachel is who you mean.

I need to get a life.
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