Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By Sunny So Cal
Thanks, Console! :D
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By nade
Anyone got a link for the podcast release around the 20th April? Thanks :)
By sebdev
Thanks for uploading these as my copies have vanished into the ether
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By Console
Ether, not Ester, Foot-loose.
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By Sunny So Cal

I am looking for the Podcast from March 7th. Do you have it on here? Also, did they do a Podcast for the first week of April? My 1st one that month was April 12th.

By atadmad
Hi everyone. Please please please does anyone have an mp3 of as much of the the Kiefer Sutherland show as possible from about 29th June 06?? It would be very much appreciated.
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By Dickie
This one?

29 May 06 [download] : A special 'Best of Moyles' podcast, featuring Keifer Sutherland (with bits unheard on the radio).
By atadmad
Thanks for posting that, but that's the one I've heard already....I meant one of the entire show because apparently he was on all morning. Thanks anyway though!!
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By SCornelius7mufc
Console, any ideas when you will upload the next few podcasts- maybe the remainder of March's?
By Rose
Do you think you could upload the recent podcasts because I had trouble downloading then when they were online
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By jeddeth
I like the best bits, but I'm fairly new to Chris Moyles (been listening since February), and I'd like to hear some of the legendary shows everyone is always saying are fresher and funnier than the current stuff.

Is there anyway to hear full shows from previous months or years?

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By jeddeth
boboff wrote:You need the Tardis, and a side kick to go back in time and listen to these shows. :D

nothing exists of the older stuff?

How is it that the Ricky Gervais XFM shows are available in full dating back to 2002 and nothing of Chris'?
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By Console
Stuff exists, but not available to download, as it would takes ages, not just to clip out the music, but also to upload and store. The reason there's stuff online for Gervais, Merchant and Pilkington is because they only did one show a week, and the only did shows for a run of a few months, meaning there are nowhere near as many shows to edit and upload.
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By jeddeth
Console wrote:Stuff exists, but not available to download, as it would takes ages, not just to clip out the music, but also to upload and store. The reason there's stuff online for Gervais, Merchant and Pilkington is because they only did one show a week, and the only did shows for a run of a few months, meaning there are nowhere near as many shows to edit and upload.

So... would you consider picking a few shows from the early days that included some of everyone's all time favorite bits? Maybe we could all vote on 1 or 2. I am just thirsty for an example of what it used to be like, ya know? Maybe this would be fun for everyone?
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By Console
I only have shows from about half way through '05 although other members have collections that go further back.
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By fish heads
I have quite a few shows from 03 and 04, but I agree they are a bugger to edit the music out of. If I ever have enough time I may upload one or two
By wireman2004
hi. this is my first message. so please be gental.

i was wandering if there were the podcasts form april too now anywhere on this website. my computer got wiped and i lost the podcasts from feruary too now...

any help would be helpful.

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By jameseuk
wireman2004 wrote:hi. this is my first message. so please be gental.

i was wandering if there were the podcasts form april too now anywhere on this website. my computer got wiped and i lost the podcasts from feruary too now...

any help would be helpful.


Could be wrong here but arnt they all on the link in Console's sig?(
By wireman2004
could not find them from the march onwards. Any help...

Is there a chance that a update could be put on with any podcasts.

I have tried several websites without success.


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