The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By The Dude
I'm just wondering? If we have Americans on here? They're not ending every sentence with a question mark? Like they do in ordinary conversations? Why is that.
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By The Dude
No. The title of the thread is actually "Stupid American Questions".

That's enough.

And we all wear bowler hats, carry umbrellas and take the train into the city, where we drink tea and eat crumpets and everybody in the UK has a stockbrokers job. Everybody knows that all Brits know each other... how could we not on such a tiny island? We've all met the Queen, we all have yellow teeth and we still have no idea why you people refer to us as Limeys.
Last edited by The Dude on Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By jeddeth
You take the train? I thought you called it the tube? Or is that just for the posh? Everything else, why didn't you assume I was already aware?

(from now on all sentences end in question marks, okay?)
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By Yudster
Tube = subway (travel not sandwiches).
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By jeddeth
right, subway = tube.

Anyway, I thought of another one. Vicar. I can't even figure out the root that originated from. We call them priests.

But I digress... so do you guys watch Big Brother every night? Does the whole country? And do you think Karl Pilkington is the funniest man in britian? I do! I wish he took over the breakfast show, or at least he was on it.
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By The Dude
jeddeth wrote: Everything else, why didn't you assume I was already aware?

Stereotyping goes both ways.

Anyway, shouldn't you guys be bombing the bejesus out of some third world country?
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By jeddeth
The Dude wrote:
jeddeth wrote: Everything else, why didn't you assume I was already aware?

Stereotyping goes both ways.

Anyway, shouldn't you guys be bombing the bejesus out of some third world country?

oh yeah! I almost forgot to bomb a third world country today. Seeing as how I am in charge of that, let me get back to it. Shouldn't you get back to kissing my ass?
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By The Dude
You're in a British forum now. The word is 'arse'.

And I don't fancy you.

God save the Queen.
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By Eddie
jeddeth wrote:right, subway = tube.

Anyway, I thought of another one. Vicar. I can't even figure out the root that originated from. We call them priests.

I'm genrealising (I think) but in England a Vicar is a Church of England Minister and a Priest would be a Catholic Minister.
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By The Dude
*holds hands up*

I think the Pigeon Detectives said it best.
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By Yudster
I quite like him, the "shouldn't you be kissing my ass" comeback made me laugh out loud!
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By Boboff
I don't think that was nasty at all, he / she seems a pleasant enough chap, with a clear sense of themselves and there place in it.
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By The Dude
Yes, very pleasant. A fine, upstanding example of a member of the master race.

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By Boboff
Dude, so true.

Oh by the way, before you get a grumpy note from Console, your sig can't be anymore than 2 lines of text..... yes I know there is a very good reason for it.
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By The Dude
Okeys. Fixed it. Cheers mate.

He runs a very tight ship, does our Console. No loosey goosey on this forum :D
By Chris Evans
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:And people wonder why I hate Americans.

Im not sure if i want this to be offensive to you or not, but several of your posts seem to be along this vien..
Question: Is it a way to up your post count or just your lack of understanding about how the written word can be interpreted?
Maybe you meant it in jest, but your lack of smilies would not make reach that conclusion.

I'm 99% sure that "people" dont very often stop and think, hey, i wonder why Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog from that moyle's site hates American's?

May i suggest that if you have nothing to contribute to a thread, that you say nothing at all? I personally find these comments annoying, extremley stupid, and and shows a total lack of intelligence from the poster...
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By Yudster
I can't wait to hear what Gaspode's excuse for not using more smilies is.
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By Boboff
Chris Evans wrote:
Im not sure if i want this to be offensive to you or not, but several of your posts seem to be along this vien..
Question: Is it a way to up your post count or just your lack of understanding about how the written word can be interpreted?
Maybe you meant it in jest, but your lack of smilies would not make reach that conclusion.

I'm 99% sure that "people" dont very often stop and think, hey, i wonder why Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog from that moyle's site hates American's?

May i suggest that if you have nothing to contribute to a thread, that you say nothing at all? I personally find these comments annoying, extremley stupid, and and shows a total lack of intelligence from the poster...

Now Chris, you make a very good point about the Gas man, and you can interpret his comments in this manner very easily, but all I can do is in his defense vouch for his usual humor, good sense, and his marvelous ironic manner, which is completely self effacing, and without pride or arrogance. So although I do see how you could interpret some comments in the above fashion, it is perhaps best understood that if you choose to interpret them in a positive manner, and meant with much sarcasm and individual compassion, you would be nearer the true intention of the Gas, I feel sure.

Although I may be wrong, I don't believe I am. Try him, he will grow on you I am sure.

Oh and by the way are you Ginger, and were you married to Billy Piper, if so get a life you're * loaded ! ( PS please see joke thread if you think you may have an opening on one of your shows for Boboff! please call I am soon to retire from Fudge Packing so need an outlet in life)
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