The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
1. Jamiroquai - Canned Heat 2. Shapeshifters - Lolas Theme 3. David Grey - The One I Love 4. Gwen Steffani - Cool 5. Caesars - Jerking Out 6. Freeloaders - Love On My Mind 7. Nickleback - How You Remind Me 8. Oasis - Wonderwall (live) 9. Mark Ronson - Ooh Wee 10. Kanye West - Gold Digger 11. The Magic Numbers - Love Me Like You 12. Destiny's Child - Independent Woman 13. Kaiser Chefs - I Predict a Diet 14. Les Rythmes Digitales - Jacques Your Body 15. Iron Maiden - Run To The Hils (Tedious) 16. The Coral - Don't Think You're the First 17. Lemon Jelly - Nice Weather For Ducks 18. Marilyn Manson - Tainted Love 19. Elbow - Forget Myself 20. Charlatans - North Country Boy 21. The Killers - All These Things That I've Done 22. Queens of the Stone Age - No One Knows 23. Mylo - In My Arms 24. Foo Fighters - Monkeywrench 25. Kings of Leon - Red Morning Light

Good Morning
First text of the day "Less of the Bank Holiday talk Moyles, its not a Bank Holiday in Scotland". That was sent in before the show had even started, poor Chris, even getting stick when he's off the air. He continues to say that people in Scotland should just take the day off on Monday anyway, pretend that they got caught up in all our Bank Holiday shenanigans that they completely forgot to go to work!

Chris then fills us in on a few emails he's been getting from various people in Australia, and other countries. One saying "did Folk Face split up because they had nothing good to put in the Pod-Cast this week"...that didn't go down very well with the team, and another regarding the fake Roy Walker Legend t-shirt being sold on Ebay, which they quite rightly point out, is illegal. Another illegal product they point out is the Chris Moyles Parody album also being sold on Ebay, with various songs on there Chris has nothing to do with!

Weekend Festivals
The Redding and Leeds festival is on this weekend, and Chris eagerly asks Dom for some big news about the event, he doesn't seem to know anything major, which Chris is disappointed with, the seem to have given out all the news regarding the event already, so, Chris asks people to text Dom with any info they may have about the gig, what the weather is like, how many people are there, you know, all the important stuff.

Four Months 'Till Christmas
Apparently there isn't much planned for todays show, Chris tells us that on the notes Rachel has given him, it says its only 4 months until Christmas (actually, its quite scary, where has this year gone?), the conversation goes on into why we shouldn't merge Scotlands Bank Holidays with ours, and then have more days off. Even better, find any celebration, or any activity, and take is as a day off. Sounds like a plan to me. We then discover the people who live "Near" Chris (For Legal reasons) are actually not nhethmian (Lesbian), Dave starts digging a little hole for himself when his words about Lesbians are twisted by Chris and Rachel, funny stuff.

Dukes of Hazard
With 20 minutes to kill, Dom and Journalist Toby decided to sing the Dukes of Hazard theme tune, much to Dom's embarrassment, Chris has a copy, which he plans to play every 15 minutes until the end of the show.It was quite funny really, If I didn't know any better, I wouldn't really have spotted any difference, of course, that made it all the more embarrassing because it seemed like they were just trying TOO hard!

Just before the News, Chris played a live version of Oasis' Wonderwall they recorded yesterday, I'm a fan of Oasis, and I really like listening to them live, this was a really good preformance
I thought.

More Festival Stuff
They continue talking about the fesivals this weekend, Chirs tells us his mum and dad will be going, they have Access All Areas passed, lucky people, and they are looking forward to going. The team get various texts from various people asking them to do various stuff whilst at the festivals, including one which Rachel read out, she said go and see a band called "Parmesan", to which Chris said was a ridiculous name for a band. Quite right, until Rachel said that she had read it wrong, and actually meant "Parisman", which, I think is actually worse than the other one, but, never mind. Chris rubs in her mistake by reading out that also at the festivals are the Pooh Fighters, Queens of Leon. Razor Heavy, Kings of the Ice age,

Gold Digger
Kanye West has a new song, and a new album, not really my taste, but the team seem to like it, and they've randomly decided to give away copies of the album, all we have to do is phone in and tell them something about Kanye. The show today seems to be a very random mess of stuff, its funny, but it just seems a little out of control today. People text in with lots of different "facts", such as "Kanye eats sausage chips and beans before a gig", the winner of the competition was "Kanye west was named after the Grand Canyon, due to the unusual angular nature of his face. It was probably one of the best that they received to be fair, so I'm glad that one won.

The team decide to take a stab at some of the GCSE exam questions printed in a news paper today, well, Dave took a stab at them anyway to try and see if the questions are any easier now than they were when he was younger. After a few of the questions, they decided that the questions are harder. I remember my GCSE's, and yes, they were hard. It annoys me that people say they are getting easier, I really don't agree with that....anyway...on with the review.

Aled has some fun magnets, I've played with these in a shop, and I can confirm that they are as fun as they were making out on the radio today. Dave doesnt seem too impressed at first though, but when Aled demonstrates the awsome power of these magnets (ok, maybe not awesome) he warms to them. Aled tells us about how they put one of the magnets in Rachels boyfriends pocket, and then using the other magnet, made him look like he had a boob forming! A very funny slip of the tongue from Rachel was next when she said "Dave, try it with my Pouch", that made me laugh. After playing with the magnets in Rachels pouch, Dave says its like Alien.

Redding and Leeds Golden Hour
Todays golden hour consisted of songs from artists who will be preforming at this weekends festivals, the team each gave a song that they would like to play, and Chris finished the hour with a song of his choice Kings of Leon - Red Morning Light, this closed the show for the weekend, and the team wont return until Tuesday morning due to the bank holiday. On Monday instead this week they have the 10 hour take over, so get you're requests for that in now, you know you want to.

Saturday is up