The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
OPENING MONOLOGUE: Now broadcasting from Rudolph , it’s
the Chris Moyles show! Today we talk to Homer Simpson about the danger of herbs
like Dill in our new feature, Dill Doh! And now its Toadie in the hole, Chris Moyles!

Might look the same, but it don’t taste the same.

In link 1, we think about doing the catch-phrases again. Like “Hop on Baby!” (that is
available on the Moylesworld download section [desktop theme]). Chris and Dave
were doing the show that they’re not allowed to talk about with guests and all! Dave
has no hair on his chest, but his legs are like monkeys! So we’re going to call him
oranga-boy and show them on the web cam at half 4.

In link 2, we slag Dominic from the sun because he’s had a baby! Well his wife has.
Chris has been send posh food ! Like fish fingers, burgers,. and Sorbet. Tonight Dave
went to see... The Stereophonics! Last night he went to see... The Spice Girls. But
does Dave’s Girlfriend wear a girl power T-shirt? Or wear her hair in a bunch or pony
tails like Baby Spice?

In link 3, we take callers! She says she had a really bad weekend. Another had a
birthday party and wants Chris to go there. Not a chance in Hell! And Dave’s just
shown his hairy legs to the web cam.

Link 4 brings us Chris getting older and he is panicking! Chris has only achieved
being able to cook his own meals. And Mel offers to buy Rhys a toupee for his
Christmas. Then Rhys gets angry.

In link 5, Dave gets E-mails about his legs. So he’ll show us the full thing at 5! You
can see the photo’s at Moylesworld!!!

Liz won the game, Selection box, Playstation games, a video, and will be back
We get e-mails about the webcam photos. But about Rhys. “ Is he your dad? and Who
is the fat bald bloke?” So he’ll be on the web cam at half five.

1. What M describes Steven Norris? Mr Lover Man
2. What G describes Mel C? Gobby Scouse Git.
3. What W describes Middlesborough’s performance? W********

And the advent calendar:
1. Why is it so hard to fool a snake? Because you can’t pull it’s leg.
2. What happens when you imitate a clock? It gets ticked off.
3. Where do Page 3 girls go when they retire? The Knocker Yard.
4. How many Man U fans does it take to screw in a light bulb? 2, one to screw it in
and another to drive all the way from Surrey.
97---99 FM____________Radio 1

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]