The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
OPENING MONOLOGUE: Now broadcasting from Frankincense ,
it’s the Chris Moyles show! Today we talk to Gary bushel and Gary bull about books
in our new feature, * and bull story .And now its The Man With Stars in His Flies ,
Chris Moyles.

Might look the same, but it don’t taste the same.

In link 1, we think about the background music that was at Smash Hits awards and on
the show. That must mean that Chris won something, but he didn’t. Dr Fox did. Leeds
did well, but we’re going to talk about Chelsea ( 4-0 to Sutherland) and Dave doesn’t
want to talk about Everton’s 5-1 defeat.

In link 2, we slag S Club 7, which is fun. And is Victoria Adams anorexic, well keep
it to yourself because it’s not nice. But saying that a couple of S Club 7 are minging is
ok. So if Victoria wants to stay with Chris for support and to talk to his girlfriend
about make up, she can. As long as he gets to use everything she says as publicity.
And we hear David The Photographer sing, to get us in the festive mood.

In link 3, we get a caller saying that Victoria’s fat, or PHAT ( Pretty Hot And
Tempting) !! Boiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee. And we talk about sexy girls. And we get caller
from Leeds talking about football.

David won the game, sung Jingle Bells, won a game and video and will be back

We hear a Special song ( Come Fly With Me ) sung by Robbie Williams

1. What M describes the Oasis tour? Miracle that Liam even showed up.
2. What C describes Leeds United ? call then what you want because they are top of
the league and your not.
3. What B tunes in to the Chris Moyles show every day? bob holness
4. What F describes Cliff Richard’s new single? Formabile because everyone thinks
its shit.

And we open the advent calendar again, with the 4 most cronic jokes in the world
1. knock knock , who’s there? you. you who? you who too!
2. The termite went up to the Bar and asked “ is the bar tender there?”
3. What’s green, has four legs and will kill you if it falls on you? A pool table

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Friday is up, and platinum:[…]