Always wanted to know something about the show? This is the place to 'Ask Aled'!
The boating thing has huge comedy potential. Looking forward to it a lot.

Aled wrote:What then, is better 7 years ago to now then? Be as specific as possible.

After such a funny show today, I would say not much! But seriously, I think the fact the show was less well known helped a lot in those days. The fact Chris and Dave could pretty much say what they wanted, without having to worry much about over running or offending people made it more exciting. The fact Chris was so different to anyone else on local radio was also a huge draw - there was so much creativity and effort put into ideas for each show you could tell, e.g True Or False/The Not. That's not to say there isn't now obviously, but I find sometimes the show can get a bit safe and stale. It isn't really a criticism because Moyles is now a lot older, so naturally the show isn't going to be as in-your-face and exciting as it was.

The all male team was good too, Ben and Chris's stories of Dave's desperate attempts to "pull chicks" etc were always brilliant. Likewise Will, Chris and Dave's "mucky video" chats (as an example). With Rachel now in charge you get the feeling sexist talk (to put it bluntly) like that is frowned upon. But obviously it has to be on breakfast, so in a way its understandable - just less risky.

Best show of the year today though. Keep it up!
By stevotrash
Aled wrote: The alcos won't even be up yet!

thats a slanderous allegation against us drunkards Aled. Shame on you. Very funny show today however.
By Fathomer
this is all very interesting (seriously) good insight into how radio works.
High brow entertainment from
By Fathomer
Aled do you think its worth doing work experienece at R1 at 16? Or should you wait until 21 22 etc. Do you tend to hire people from their work experience?
Also, who is going to be taking over the Friday Early Breakfast Show- could you give us any clues and why can't the banner and RadioTimes say that Moyles starts at 6.55am?
By Jono
I don't think Radio 1 have any Work Experience going for quite a while.
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By Chongster
I once applied to do work experience at the BBC but didnt hear anything back, i went with the Daily Post newspaper in the end.

Oh, and dont forget Aled, 4 days 'till my birthday :wink: the least you could do for the charicature I drew of you lot that I gave Chris back in February....BLACK MAIL.....ahem
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By Minnie the Minx
Were there any sweets left in the studio when you arrived this (thursday) morning? They would have been left from Zane's show.
By Fathomer
Aled, can we have more photos on the Webcam as its hardly ever updated. A "Aled's Diary" or Moyles Blog would be good on their as well. There needs to be more on the minisite to be honest
By Fathomer
oh, and One Big Weekend should go to Leeds in September!!
By Jono
It's Radio 1's Big Weekend by the way.
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By fish heads
fathomer90 wrote:Aled, can we have more photos on the Webcam as its hardly ever updated. A "Aled's Diary" or Moyles Blog would be good on their as well. There needs to be more on the minisite to be honest

Look at the webcam page - updated everyday. I suspect there isn't much on the R1 webcam highlights page, as to be honest there aren't many highlights
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By Console
Aled, I might have just been my imagination, but I would swear that I saw a link to Saviour City on the main Radio 1 page today (around 3pm), although it has been removed now. I didn't think you (the BBC) were going to put a link to it online, was that a blunder on someones part or am I going mad again.
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By fish heads
Console wrote:Aled, I might have just been my imagination, but I would swear that I saw a link to Saviour City on the main Radio 1 page today (around 3pm), although it has been removed now. I didn't think you (the BBC) were going to put a link to it online, was that a blunder on someones part or am I going mad again.

I've seen the link on the Mini Site as well earlier this week, but seen it's taken down now - so it's not just you!
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By Adam

I agree with the idea for a Moyles or Aled blog. A team blog would be better. You could have a team member writing an account each day.
By Jono
Then again look how well 'Scott's diary went on the Mills pages
By Jono
Aled, do you think one of the latest team photographs from today would be made in to a downloadable wallpaper?

Either for Mini Moyles or the minisite?
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By Aled
Adam wrote:Aled,

I agree with the idea for a Moyles or Aled blog. A team blog would be better. You could have a team member writing an account each day.

We are doing that as it happens - but... through Mini Moyles
By Jono
Looking forward to your Science clips on Monday :D
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By Chad
Aled - who do you want to win BB6 now that you've ruined it by asking people to vote Science out?
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By Aled
Chad wrote:Aled - who do you want to win BB6 now that you've ruined it by asking people to vote Science out?

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By Chad
Aled wrote:
Chad wrote:Aled - who do you want to win BB6 now that you've ruined it by asking people to vote Science out?


Good choice, but she'll be out next week because Evil Derek will manipulate his lap dogs into putting Makosi and Orlaith up for eviction
By Fathomer
Kosi should definately win! With you 100% Aled!
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By Chongster
Well, my birthday came and went with no Happy birthday from you Aled....*starts crying uncontrollably*....
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