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who is the fittest neighbours honey?

mac (the WPC who is secretly a drug dealer)
susan kennedy
lyn scully
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By Quincy
i dont think she is that hot at all. they do need some new birds, hopefully a new family will move into the scullys house as they are clearly going to piss off soon to panto or wherever. bye bye lyn s. and now libby has left aswel they need some new honey asap.
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By Quincy
just noticed that valda received 2 votes!
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By DemonHorse
She has a cuteness about her, but apart from thaat she could be any old face in a crowd.
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By Quincy
they are quite big but i think the way she is sat leaning slightly forward pushes them up a bit.
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By Betti911
Forget her boobs guys look at her face... she's rank and look at her roots! They say if thats how she keeps her hair in her head..... think you can guess the rest!
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By fish heads
I think she's got a pretty face. And being a guy i really don't give a toss about roots.

Talking of hair, Serena looked less of a munter with her hair straight today.
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By Uglybob
i agree, i dont care about roots.
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By DemonHorse
I'd care about roots, but maybe it's coz I HATE the smell of the peroxide, yet another reason I think bleach blonds are very overrated.
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By Sidders
Serena looked hot today, she should keep her hair like that.
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By Quincy
i aint seen her new hairstyle yet, does it make her look less like a monkey?
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By fish heads
Yes - she actually looks like a human. Although it's probably just a one off for the "formal"
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By Quincy
did she go with boyd or caketaker cupchucker stingray?
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By Sidders
Paul Robinson is coming back soon. His sister Lucy will also make a guest appearance for the 20th aniversary.
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By Uglybob
he comes back to die

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By Sidders
He doesn't die does he? I can't believe he's coming back, how random. It's going to happen as soon as next Thursday.

Gus is coming back next Wednesday too, to terrorise Izzy a bit more :twisted:
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By Uglybob
i just checked digital spy and they have a neighbours thread. it only started on 4th February 2005 and its already got 142 pages
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By Uglybob
Airing Thursday, 10th March 2005 at 17:35 on BBC One

When Susan arrives with the news that Izzy was fleeing the wedding, Karl’s forced to accept he was left at the altar. The guests head to Lou’s pub for a drink, leaving a humiliated Karl alone with his pain. Izzy reappears, her tail between her legs, and has to work hard to win back Karl’s affections. After an emotional exchange, with much plain speaking on both sides, they admit they’ve both been desperately clinging to the wedding as an event to cement their relationship. Karl and Izzy surprise everyone by appearing at the pub as a united couple, much to Susan’s dismay and disgust. Boyd has a run-in with a jealous Gus and Max and Stuart are on edge all night, keeping an eye out for Gus’s possible return. Although he fails to resurface, the night ends in tragedy when an unknown arsonist sets the Lassiter’s complex on fire. The residents of Ramsay Street watch in horror as their businesses go up in a ball of flames and Stuart and Sindi are trapped in the burning pub. Will they survive?

A familiar face watches the chaos of the burning complex before he slips away into the night. It’s Paul Robinson – why has he returned to Erinsborough?

Charlie’s health is failing and he’s becoming increasingly frustrated with the pain and his dependency on others for his every need. Unable to face the inevitable, Lyn clings desperately to the hope that she can somehow prolong Charlie’s life. But Steph’s heart goes out to Charlie and she knows the time for him has come. Saying his final farewells to his family, Charlie passes away. Lyn, finally getting word from Michael who has arrived in Erinsborough, arrives home with Michael in time to witness what looks like Steph having just suffocated Charlie.

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By Uglybob
wanted to make it small not to ruin anyones viewing
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
whose bones are they? Eh? Eh?

I hope they are Cheryls... that hostage thing was ridiculous.
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By Quincy
or contacts in australia

stuart dead

cindy dead

lasiters burnt down

gus turning up at karl and izzys wedding

just some possible storylines
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