The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris

0655 Coldplay - Talk 0700 Newsbeat, Scissor Sisters - Comfortably Numb, Kanye West feat. Adam Levine - Heard 'Em Say, Herd & Fitz feat. Abigail Bailey - I Just Can't Get Enough, Maroon Five - This Love 0730 Newsbeat & One Road Travel, Franz Ferdinand - Walk Away, Jay-Z - 99 Problems, Madonna - Hung Up, Mcfly - I'll Be OK (Chart Show Live performance) 0800 Newsbeat & Yesterday's Weather, Sean Paul - Get Busy, Oasis - Let There Be Love, Girls Aloud - Biology 0830 Newsbeat & One Road Travel, Hard Fi - Hard To Beat, Will Young - Switch It On, Basement Jaxx - Good Luck 0900 Tedious Link: Beastie Boys – No Sleep Till Brooklyn, Gorillaz - Dirty Harry, Charlotte Church - Crazy Chick (Chart Show Live performance, Gwen Stefani feat. Slim Thug - Luxurious 0930 Newsbeat & One Road Travel, Foo Fighters - Resolve, Kelis - Milkshake, Simon Webbe - No Worries, Arctic Monkeys - Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor

Live from NYC

Good morning everybody, we are Live from New York City
They're listening around the world, lets hope the show's not rubbish
Monday in New York, is just like back in Britain
We've all got our jumpers on, and Aled's wearing mittens
The Chris Moyles Show, Live From New York City, International Radio 1

It's Monday morning, Live from the Rockefeller Centre, New York. It's Chris Moyles

Yes, Siriusly the Chris Moyles Show is LIVE from New York City for the next week, that is apart from Dom & Carrie and Chris is really gutted they can't be there. The time difference was confusing Dom this morning as when the first newsbeat of the day had finished it was 0705 in the UK but also 0705 for people listening in the USA as the show is time-delayed but it was actually 0205 in New York (hope that clears things up).

Good morning everybody, time to get out of your bed
We're normally in London, but we're in New York instead
So get out of bed and shake a leg, or even shake your hips
For breakfast here it's coffee, but for Moyles it's fish & chips
The Chris Moyles Show, Live From New York City, International Radio 1

Sting Ring today went International with Michael from Harlem. And the team picked up on the fact that he seemed to understand the feature more than those back in the UK although they thought it funny when he said he had to get ready for work thinking it was 0720 and it was actually 0220! Won't be very happy!
The studios are based in a multi billion dollar corporation and they are really beautiful apart from one thing...the microphone stand was squeaking, so no difference from the studios back in London.

Another new jingle:

Hot Dogs, burgers, pizza too, New York has lots of food
But Chris can't get pork scratchings so he's in a funny mood
We think he's missing home and his lovely girlfriend Sophie
To Cheer him up we'll take him out for a great big cup of C-oh-ffee *that's the drink - not Annan!*
The Chris Moyles Show, Live From New York City, International Radio 1

The Gabby Cabby took the team around Central Park on Saturday:

Chris: "He is like any other cab driver...without the B.O."

It has an ice rink and horse and carriage but all this wasn't manly enough for Moyles so he decided to go to a pub that was in "Sex & The City"...sucker! Also there are houses the other side of Central Park where all the celebrities live and where Chris would live if he was from New York. Harrison Ford was rude and interrupted by phoning Chris during the clip....

Competition Time

As I am sure you all know listeners to the show have been texting/emailing/phoning in to go to New York with Chris and the team. Only one person and their friend can go and they fly out on Wednesday and ALSO go to the premiere of the new King Kong movie on Monday!
Helen and Chris were today's callers and they had to remember as much as they could from New York scenes narrated by people from New York. Quite a hard competition, we compared to the usual questions for football tickets etc. But Helen remembered the most information and goes into Wednesday's final, god knows how as she thought she had lost!

Chris has just recently started saying "dude" and "man" according to somebody on the text, obviously listen to the show a lot since Chris says dude or man in nearly every show to Dave and some callers.

The team do not know what is happening for the rest of the week, well everyone aprt from Aled as he has spoken to the Gabby Cabby. But they know what is on the cards tonight - The Magic Numbers in concert and a trip to Aled's club Splash! On the text Matt wants Chris to say hi to 'Tatiana' who apparently does work there, no joke.

Aled's Guide to New York

Just before Aled's guide Chris admitted to Carrie not being in New York:

Chris "If I was human I would feel some slight guilt at this point"
Carrie "You're not human?! Are you an alien?
Dave "He's a DJ-Bot"
Chris "I'm just a saviour"
Dom "From the planet Radio" (In German accent)
Chris "I am an alien saviour from the planet ratings"
Dave "It's next to Radio"
Chris "You fly all the way out to Galaxy Success and take a left at Ratings. There you will find our planet
'Not enough money and contract' land"

After all the hilarity Aled gave his take on New York and he will be doing another guide for each was shopping, highlighting the fact that hundreds of thousands of people flock to New York to do their Christmas shopping. (You can hear this on the NYC Podcast..more details at the end of the review)

You can get all the pictures that are taken in New York on your mobile, all you need to do is text the word "MOBILE" to 81199 and you will receive a link to download all the pictures that have been taken on that day.

Tedious Time

The link was almost seemless, a few faults. Some people were saying there is no plural of water but there obviously is since Roger Waters! But the more important one was to do with chemistry and air, with Dave saying that firefighters use oxygen, when they use compressed air! So pretty much seemless...

Aled will do pretty much anything Chris tells him to (within reason that is) and Chris wanted him to go and have a look in the boss of Sirius' office since he had left for a wee sleep or something. Chris then wanted Aled to go in and steal something - and he wasn't in the slightest bothered. He found a mantlepiece from his desk and stole that! It was a dollar bill though and not worth anything so he was sent back to find something more interesting so he found a Homer Simpson toy, he tried to get the name plate off the desk but it was stuck on!

Dave came up with an idea to play Hide & Seak in the Sirius studios in the building with the hider giving clues of where they were hiding. For example a clue could be Marshall Mathers - and they would be in Shady 45 studio. Another was a day of the week said wrong - Radio Mundo. Dave was joking though becuase he couldn't see Chris hiding round the corner in Radio Korea.

Gabby Cabby Today/Tomorrow

Chris was supposed to have Gordon Ramsay on his show today, if he had been in the UK. So instead he is on Jo's show (she gets all the cast offs that aren't good enough for their show!)

The Gabby Cabby was sounding like a part of Rachel's mob at the start of his's a farce, he isn't really from New York! Anyway, today they are going to Harlem, full of Jazz places and southern fried cooking. Aled won't be taking his "camp" t-shirt with him for that trip.

Also at the end of each show the Gabby Cabby is going to give us all an authentic phrase to make you sound more of a New Yorker!
Todays one is: "Forget About It"

No Carpark Catchphrase today since they are in NYC, sorry all you car park fans. But overall a great start to The Chris Moyles Show, LIVE from New York!

You can view pictures of the team in NYC here
You can download the DAILY podcast from here

And finally you can post your comments on today's show over on our message board by clicking here, no need to be registered either!

Saturday is up