The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
Not the best of reviews but I was at my girlfriends while trying to listen but its not too bad!

The show kicked off today with Chris Playing his version of events from Thursday nights eastenders. If you watched eastenders you know how it goes if you don’t I’ll do a quick explanation. Theres a Rumor going about that Steve Owen has bought the Vic for his wife Mel. This rumour quickly spreads and gets to Peggy who at the official opening of the vic with its new management goes over to mel and steve to congratulate them. Congratulations you two, where’s the free drinks? Peggy says. To which mel replies something like im sorry to disappoint you Peggy but we haven’t bought the vic. Peggy says well if it wasn’t you then who was it. Steve then says I think the answer is standing right behind you. Hello Peggy, Sharon Watts says(a Mitchell family enemy)the Chris Moyles version of events goes something like this. Eastenders drum roll opens the show, …above conversation repeats… I think the answers standing right behind you Peggy,(moment where Peggy turns, Hello I’m Andy Kershaw. Well n e way I think it was one of those things that you had to hear it straight off to find funny but it bought a smile to my face. The first link contained the customary thank you to the previous Dj Sarah HB. This then sparked a discussion on what the HB stood for the suggestions were Sarah Hairy Beast, Sarah Hot Babe (although Chris ensured viewers on first sight of her this wasn’t correct) and Sarah Hot Bananas. The next link contained a very upset Chris when he was told that he couldn’t play his new backing music as it already belonged to Emma B obviously following this was a lengthily discussion of how a DJ’s backing music was like a trade mark and couldn’t be used by anyone else.. There were all the normal show features from the Saturday show, including girls that shouldn’t go to football. This featured a bloke who apparently had a three year ban from visiting any football match and he was made to hand his passport in every time England played abroad. He somehow managed to put this down to his girlfriend swearing in the football stadium, she had got no punishment. Chris sounded doubtful and asked him if he was a convict and that he sounds a bit dodgy for all that stuff going on. The next caller was very funny he was an Irish bloke with a very strong accent. He called up to tell Chris about a trip to the football with his girlfriend and Chris couldn’t understand a word that he was saying so Chris just let him tell the whole story without interacting with him at all. Chris then thanked the man for telling his story in such detail and that it was a very interesting story. Chris then apologized in case the Irish bloke had had trouble understanding his accent. I don’t think the Irish bloke worked out he was making fun of him. Today’s guest was Davina Mc Call, she was hear to talk about Big Brother after Chris had begged her to come onto the show for the last three years. He was being very flirty with her and they discussed Chris and Dave’s journey to the big brother house where they are going to walk in the camera runs and watch the housemates in action. Chris pleaded with Davina to let him be big brother but he didn’t succeed. It was a very good show about 7/10 on a scale of Moyles shows.

See you next week!
Phil :-)

Small gap in editing to come