The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
A good show today, don't know why, not particulary funny but just good I thought.

Who shot Phil dominated the first half of the show with some very funny e-mail suggestions like The bush shot Phil cos Phil peed on the bush coming home one night Very funny links with the stupid e-mails.

Also spoke about being on Popstars, Chris made a good point about Kym, saying that Moyles was unoriginal but it was her first interview, very true. Chris was also boasting about his supposed big manhood in the NOTW magazine, the usual comments from Dave like hung like a wasp Quite funny.

Very funny parody of the start of the Shaggy song with Moyles pretending he was having sex so he could come to the door, the funniest part of this was when Chris was trying to calm down by saying Esther Ransen constantly.

Dial a mate: Very funny for the fact that the first two callers were SPL, the first guy pressed the wrong button on his phone and hung up on the person that was phoning which led to Chris ripping him for being stupid and cutting him off.

SPL = Sad Pathetic Loser

Another daily slagging of the 3am girls, although Chris milks stuff far too much, everytime he slags them off it is still very funny.

Moyles challenges the breakfast team to a drinking competition after he learns that Sara Cox is to stop drinking. The competition gets bigger when Steve Lamacq decideds to put forward the Evening Session to enter the competition, sounds good, I reckon Moyles's gang would win easy.

The Not: Not funny as usual, please please stop this Chris, it is unfunny crap.

Secret Squirrel: Best feature Moyles has done, it has lastability, if that is a word, I can not see this getting tedious, always plenty of guys with secrets out there.

Good show today, the extra hour is helping, making the show better, bring back Viaduct or Daves Intro service get rid of the not and it would be close to perfection.

Saturday is up