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By Chris
Some more new things for you to look at and listen to.

There are some new sound clips in the Sound Vault, firstly of the '2001 Less ...' advert (you can see the lyrics on the Pun Archive page) - thanks for that clip to James Merrick. Andrew Edmonds also sent a collection of 'One Big Belly' songs which you can find on the 'songs' page in the Sound Vault.

There are some new pictures in both gallery three (thanks to Adam Lynch for one of them), as well as the Webcam gallery 2. You can get to these from the Picture Galleries page.

Our six reviewers are now lined up to start contributing to the Review Page, it'll be week or so before we get everything set up, but once it is you can look forward to daily show reviews. I'll introduce the review gang nearer the launch time.

That's it for now!