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By Uglybob
so i noticed on monday that the chairs are back instead of the sofa. snap cackle and pop has been brought back instead of the selector and they have the family of the week. so any originality the show did have has been tossed aside cos they still think that links from 1992 are good. much as i hate to admit it, chris evans, johnny vaughn and zig and zag were the real success.
By Tom_Murphy
i don't think you can deny that it was good originally. i remember chris evans interviewing the chinese bus enthusiast who also loved eldorado. it was the funniest thing ever.
By nicci
i totally agree - bring johnny and denise back!!!!! they tried something new..........and failed...............lets go back.
By stevotrash
THE ONLY SUCESSES?????? What about Lilly Savage...LILY SAVAGE FOR CHRISTS SAKE. RICK ADAMS, SHARON DAVIES AND VANESSA.<P>Those were the days, jumpers for goal posts....2 at the back 10 up front.... marvolous.
By the_dr
Agreed. Johnny has come out of the Big Breakfast with his reputation intact, infact he used it as a platform since he was virtually unknown before. Since he left, there is no reason to wake up that little bit earlier. There are quite a few comedians out there though, who would be good on the BB - but they shouldn't pretend to be Johnny like Paul did.<P>the_dr
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By Uglybob
ok will everyone stop danny baker talk, he is a has-been who isnt even getting the daz doorstep challenge anymore. tfi was 1/2 done by danny baker and look where that went. he had his 15 minutes of fame and should just go away.
By Tom_Murphy
i wish to disagree. i use to listen ardently to his talk radio show, and it was so funny. i obviously have a similar sense of humour to you, liking moyles, so you would definitely find it funny. he is hilarious, and a comic genius.
By the_dr
His jokes on Wipeout are just the best. <P>The stress of coming up with jokes like that everyday must be unbearable (it's worse enough just having to listen to them).<P>the_dr
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By Uglybob
mrs moyles still hate u but sooooooooo what(!)<P>they even brought back judge the grudge and they were so lazy they used the same titles from 1992 for it.<br>have to admit tho that amanda byram looked good in the black leather number today
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By Eddie
Wannabe Mrs moyles, please please please please please tell me that you didn't just ask if Gaby Roslin once presented the big breakfast? Are you stupid, I think you just proved you're lacking in years, When the BB started she was the presenter with Chris Evans for about 2 years!!!!next you'll be asking if you're mad for thinking that Chris Evans did the BB....... Just in case that was your next Question, he did!!!!<P>Eddie
By Guess
I think that you're all being a little bit on the harsh side to the wannabe mrs moyles. She's only 14, it's not her fault she doesn't remember who originally presented BB! Also, hands up who never had a bizarre crush on a famous member of the opposite sex when they were that age??? This board thrives on the different backgrounds of the contributors, be they mature men (smile) like sticky or girlies like wannabe. Give her a break guys;-)

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