Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Guest
I even opened up #moyles irc channel on DALnet. Only had about 3 visitors in 4 days. Considering closing it now.
By Guest
Could you explain? Server full? I tend to set mIRC to connect to (You have to add it to the list manually) and let it keep trying.<P>Paul.
By Guest
Just dont use that server, by far the best server is <P><p>[This message has been edited by Lozza (edited 26 April 2001).]
By Guest
That's a completely different IRC network. Do they even provide nick and channel services?<P>Paul.
By Guest
I have a look over the weekend then. Too bust at the moment. (Hence I'm not in the DALnet channel either)
By Guest
I don't understand and will never understand. And I'm doing and IT degree!
By Tom_Murphy
it's just pointless getting overcomplicated. i mean if the insane genius of jon hoare doesn't get it, then who will?<P><br>everyone just get yahoo messenger my ID is basketcased. free and easy.
By Guest
For gods sake, i'll do it.  On mirc connect to and go to #moyles alright?  Chanserv/Nickserv are both there.  And memoserv.  <P>
By Guest
Yahoo is goddam awful. If you're going for any get MSN.  Or just go in the mw chatroom (wouldn't that make sense?)

Small gap in editing to come