Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Tom_Murphy
ok if you look back through the threads you may just see the remains of the whole sordid incident. you probably won't though coz it was a while back, maybe on page 4 0r 5 (if they existed).<P>anywya, i posted about 40 times at 2am just to be the one to get the 3000th post. it was a race between me and jonny hoare and i just stayed up late so i won (i am so cool). <P>during the process i also added loads of pointless threads and dredged up some really old dead ones. <P>i don't think chris minded, but some, shall we say "more traditional" members called for my banishment.<P>needless to say i was spared and have learnt my lesson. jonny hoare, however, added 12 new threads in 5 minutes the next week just so he could reach 400 topics.<P>oh, ans spanner, you'll notice how i left the slambook suddenly?...... boredom my friend.
By Tom_Murphy
it was a race! he started it and i could smell victory. the whole thing only took about 20 mins. it was beautiful..<P>(and i really didn't have anything better to do  <IMG SRC="">)
And there is nothing like the sweet aroma of victory as u suddenly realise that you are nearing your goal, and that all your previous hard efforts are about to pay off.<P>You are enwrapped in your own world, with only one thing on your mind - the challenge that you have to overcome in front of you at this moment.<P>oO(and if you all read that carefully i`m sure you might understand - Tom will get it straight away though cos he`s got a mind like a sewer)  :)
By Guest
12 posts in 5 mins- really I wasn't really paying much attention. Is it time to start another posting war no that we have a committed hardcore!
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By Eddie
If you're gonna do another stupid posting war do it on a nother site, I hated coming here only to see hundreds of new posts/replies to find out they were all just rubbish in order for you to beat each other, I know most people felt the same way!<P>No offence, just don't do it!<P>Eddie

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