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By a-moron
chrysostom wrote:
theflyingbadger wrote:Open All Hours?

Enough about your smoking hot wife. Back onto the quiz.

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By chrysostom
dimtimjim wrote:Man V's Nympho Island. Or, codename Babealonia.

To be fair Andy, many different names were suggested.

Sorry DTJ, I didn't see your edit - You get 5 points!


'King Man' would have also been accepted.

Best make the next question easy.

Question 2: In the context of symbiotic relationships, which brothers did Dave liken Russell Brand's testicles to?
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By dimtimjim
chrysostom wrote:Sorry DTJ, I didn't see your edit - You get 5 points!


To quote the Great Mr Moyles - "Its lonely up here on quiz mountain, looking down on the rest of you".
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By dimtimjim
chrysostom wrote:Question 2: In the context of symbiotic relationships, which brothers did Dave liken Russell Brand's testicles to?

Bros brothers.
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By chrysostom
DTJ brings his tally up to 10 points. Going to have to make it less specific to podcasts!

Question 3. What noise was heard in the background on one of the occasions when Raef was called by Dominic Byrne?
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By dimtimjim
Sorry Andy, didn't mean to spoil ya fun. I shall bow out of this next question (well, I'll hold back on answering it, for the minute), let the others catch up!

**smug mode cancelled**
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By a-moron
*Scrumples up a piece of paper and skites it off Tim's head*


You've got some poop on your nose.

chrysostom wrote:Question 3. What noise was heard in the background on one of the occasions when Raef was called by Dominic Byrne?

A million tiny sperm screaming from a kleenex.
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By neilt0
Bonus point: It wasn't a hair dryer, but it was in Dom's head, as he thinks of Rafe as continually grooming his hair to add more lustrrrrrrrre.

The quiz questions are now at the correct level. Continue.

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By dimtimjim
**sits down, passes Neil a beer and admires the view**
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By chrysostom
Question 4. Why was it an issue when imaginary Martin's girlfriend went round Chris' house? Bonus 2 points if you can name Chris' solution to the issue.

I hope that'll keep you at bay.
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By dimtimjim
Vegetroublearian. The solution was to 'take the meat out of the curry once cooked'.
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By Yudster
Tim, you have never been more attractive.
Now that Tim mentions it, I remember it. Damn, four questions and I couldn't think of the (correct) answers for any of them. I'd say living here in the states has rotted my brain but I voted for Obama yesterday

Small editing gap to come