Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By The Deadly
Oh absolutely each to their own. The sort of people I was referring to as sheep are the kind of people I used to work with. If they saw a new TV show was coming out with massive hype surrounding it they would instantly be its biggest fan and would expect everyone else to feel the same way. One of them in particular went out of his way to buy the DVD box set of House and Hugh Lauries CD in the same day just on the say so of head sheep.
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By Nicola_Red
That's a sheep with more disposable income than me then :) I can watch House but I find it a bit samey. I wouldn't describe myself as a fan. I was entranced by Lost from the very beginning and until the end - hence the tattoo! Same with Mad Men - that show isn't something you just watch, it's like you drink it in. Everything about the production values, the period detail, is perfection.
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By dimtimjim
Red Dwarf = meganess (well, series 1-6 anyways)
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By dimtimjim
Mwhahahahaaaaa! Mrs DTJ will be dreading it!

Ha! Now got caught up on YouTube vid clips of Red Dwarf... 'kin ace.

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By The Deadly

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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By Yudster
Red Dwarf was good up until the time they brought back Kochanski. Made a complete nonsense of the continuity of plot, which up until then had been a complex and beautiful jewel.
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By Nicola_Red
Oh good, it's turned into a thread of big white spaces! People, some of us can't see youtube vids here. Type words.
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By dimtimjim
Meh.... Just imagine your fav Red Dwarf scene, and laugh to yourself. Hmmmok?
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By Nicola_Red
Okay. I'm not really a fan, but at least I know what the spaces represent now!
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By a-moron
Did anybody watch Grimm on Watch?
Had it linked on my Sky+ box and have only now have got round to watching it.
T'is bloody good so it is.
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By a-moron
I know! Grimm and Masterchef Australia are all I've actually committed time too.

On a quick aside -
Big Bang Theory Awesomeness.
Sheldon -
"What is the best number?"
Raj -
"5 million, 3 hundred and 18 thousand and 8"

This programme is brilliant.
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By Yudster
Mr Yudster has been watching Grimm. I'm not keen but he's enjoying it.
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By dimtimjim
theflyingbadger wrote:"5 million, 3 hundred and 18 thousand and 8"

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By Nicola_Red
If she's not keen, you're doing it wrong.
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By DevilsDuck
I like the Olympics, it means me and Mrs duck can watch Lost from start to finish with no rubbish soaps etc
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By chrysostom
:D Once I move into my new place, the Mrs and I are going to finish season 6 (rewatch for me). Very excited (even though I've seen it all).
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By Nicola_Red
I think Dan and I will do another rewatch at some point. Maybe not til next year though. At the moment I'm reading The Ultimate Lost and Philosophy, which is interesting, if slightly hard work.
By bmstinton93
My girlfriend has never seen Friends so when I'm back at Uni I'm planning on forcing her to sit through all 10 seasons.
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By dimtimjim
bmstinton93 wrote:My girlfriend has never seen Friends

Come again........?! I'm sure you just said your missus has never seen Friends. 8O
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By Nicola_Red
Bear in mind her age...she was what, 4 or 5 when it ended...?
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