Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Topher
We don't.
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By dimtimjim
The Deadly wrote:David Brent? Every office has a Brent.

Topher wrote:We don't.

Toph mate, its you... :wink:

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By Topher
Ha I'm not the boss though.

Andy - that is very funny, he's clearly a moron.
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By dimtimjim
Just noticed, some cream I have in my bag says:

"Avoid contact with eyes, middle ear and brain".

So, you split your head and your brain is hanging out, DO NOT JUST APPLY ANTISEPTIC CREAM.

There, now you all know. :?
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By chrysostom
It always baffles me when people say they'd give a huge amount to charity as a cash donation straight off the bat of winning a sum like that. When you're into that sort of money, you can set up trusts, businesses etc. which will continue to make money for years & years and could donate exponentially more in the long term.
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By The Deadly
Went to see a play tonight called The Play That Went Wrong. It is absolutely superb. It's on tour at the moment and if it comes to your area then definitely check it out.
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By chrysostom
Ed Miliband delivering a pre-prepared speech about how bad George Osborne's budget was...without actually mentioning a single policy or point from the budget announcement.


In other news, I ran my first & second live Google Hangouts (regarding the budget) with work today. A lot of planning went into it, and things went extremely well. I'm knackered, but over the moon :)
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By Bonanzoid
"Kensington Palace has revealed the identity of Prince George's nanny - and asked for her private life to be respected."

Wouldn't the easiest way for that to happen be to not reveal her identity?
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By dimtimjim
Great video/sentiment, shame about the pish-poor song!
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By dimtimjim
The Deadly wrote:Off to New Orleans in a little while. Good luck everybody.

no idea why you're going (business/pleasure) but have a splendid time.
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