Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Mark_and_Lard_Fan
I know this has got nothing to do with Moyles,and no-one really cares,but anyone can join in this debate if they are as sad as me,this is my top 3 sexiest celebrity chicks in order:<br>1( Beyonce Knowles from Destiny's Child(I know their music sucks Kangaroo poo,but she is stunningly,gorgeously sexy)<br>2( Britney Spears(I don't care what people say,she is still cute)<br>3( Alicia Silverstone(Havn't seen her recently,but she was well nice in some movies I have seen)<P>Please also see my follow-up topic.
By Guest
This is hard but:<P>1) Taye Diggs (search for him, the definition of fit)<br>2) Ryan Phillipe (do i need to say more?<br>3) Brian Molko (in some pictures he is friggin fine, but then I sometimes like lads in makeup)<br>4) Jude Law<br>5) Brad Pitt <P>For girls I'll have to think a bit more, but then I don't fancy girls so we'll have to come back to that.<p>[This message has been edited by Lozza (edited 01 May 2001).]
By Lara
i have the strangest taste and i actually have a list of fit men...some of them being dave of course, brian molko (i agree lozza), matt bellamy (gorg.), lead vocals in manics (james dean bradford i think- long name- and i think he is cute!!), jack dee (sweet), and it still carries on...getting weirder and weirder... :)
By Guest
Lara thats one of the most foolish things you've ever said.  Firstly it says where i live next to my posts.  Secondly I talk to you regularly on MSN and we exchange e-mithers occaisionally too.<P>Laura - Prince - Princey - Loz - Lozza etc.

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