Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By stevotrash
Hello everyone,<br>I see some old faces have returned who have bismirched my better nature in the past. Any further insults can be posted here. You will be assured a quick reply.<br>
By Guest
Welcome back trash!  I missed you!  Where did you go anyway?
By stevotrash
after deceiding to reinstall my computer i discovered that i lost my modem cd-rom and also failed to back up my modem drivers. <br>do'h<P>nearly finished my coursework............NEARLY GRRRRRRR....I'm going INSANE. In a crazy David Hamilton stylee. <P>Power to the MOYLES
By Tom_Murphy
i also missed your insane ramblings and bizarre comic double act with jonny hoare. who has strangely been missing also.

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]