Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Mike
Hi All,<P>I'm back - damn!... Just had a week cruise around the Carib leaving Barbados... Going had a 3hr delay because the flight before had to turn around and go back and on the flight back an 18 hour delay bnecause the flight had to turn back due to engine problems... But the 18hr delay was great because they chucked us in the niest hotel on the island for a night  :)... Also they let me sit in on the landing which was great! Anyways, Dave Peacre does the recorindg for Airtours "Hot!" radio and he sounds crap on it... Ohh and going through the mailbox go to - only good thing so far!<P>Cheers<P>Mike
By Guest
It's all going off- big shout out to the mile high club, they having it large on the in flight bar!
By winker
Oi, oi I like to 'ave a shout out to my mates in row 4, seats 4 & 6, cos the stupid cow in a crap hat split us up at check-in, cos we said we'd put a bomb in our suitcases.<P>Oh yeah Pearschey can you play 'You spin me right round' OI OI OIIIIIIIIIIIIII

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]