Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By the_dr
here is my situation - I recorded the show yesterday to a 20kbs mp3 in 30 minute segments. In whichever program I have tried to use to split the mp3 it either- doesn't recognise it because its a 20kbs mp3 or converts it to a higher bitrate resulting it a lower quality file. The only way I have managed to do it is to record it to a wav which is the same quality as the 20kbs mp3 - but how do I crush the size of the wav (by converting to an mp3? - i tried that but the encoders don't support the bitrate of the wav)?<P>Any ideas? I can do a low-quality version really easily - but it is BAD quality.<P>the_dr
By 1AndOnlyRob
You could try using MPEG Audio Scissors, although i'm not sure if that would recognise 20kbps. You can download from<br> <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A>
By Tom_Murphy
i belive streambox ripper (from <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A>  will compress a wav file for you.
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By Stickyspanner
thanks Tom.<P>No - depending on how much hard drive and memory you have - u can use winamp to make the MP3 into a WAV, then use Sound Forge (both available from my website) and then split the WAV file up and then save it to whatever quality you want - mono or stereo.

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