Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By Mike
Hey All,<P>"It's called SWAMPSTER but is not commercially available - it was written<br>specially for Chris"<P>Direct from Will - first reply!  :)<P>Mike
By Mike_Page
is there any chance of you asking him where the jzzed up battle of the planets came from and what the bedding music from about a was? the crazy sounding one?
By Mike
Youd have much of a chance of getting a reply as I would but I did ask.. we'll see  :)
By Mike
That is a remix done by the Cuban Boys (Hampster Dance) may be released if<br>samples get cleared
By Claire
Is that a reply from Will about the battle of the planets one.<br>Also could you find out what the backing from the show this time last year was. When Rhys and Melinda was on the team, if it helps they made trails for the show with it, or shall i E- Mail him my self.  But you seem the clever one.
By Mike
Yep that was a reply from Will...<P>As long as you keep the email to one line and straight to the point he'll reply!<P>Cheers<P>Mike
By Claire
Thanx Mike....<P>But can you help me with a few things?<br>Whats Wills E - Mail address?<br>How would I set the E - Mail? (Short no hellos, or chit chat?)<P>Thanx for all ya help.  love ya Mike<br>take care & all the best<P>claire
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By Eddie
The reason DJ's/presenters don't reply is because they have a different email address to the one given out on the show. the address is not chris's personal bbc email address but the address for all things show related...i.e the public one. Chris's email address is different, I could find it out but I wouldn't post it here (really sorry) because it is against my contract and if any one from the BBC read it I would be in trouble (and probably lose my job, a sad fact I know but true...unfortunately.) I know this is the case as I had to email scott mills about something work related and I had to go on the BBC internal email list to find it.<P>Just thought I'd let you know that that's why you don't get a reply when you email chris, sorry<P>Eddie<P>Eddie
By Mike
So Dave, Lizzy and Will just have one or are they all show related?
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By Eddie
I think that Dave, Will and Lizzy all have email addresses that are personal ones (As does chris but it's not made public!)such as, etc etc which is why you can get a reply if you email them!  :)<P>Eddie
By Guest
Hey eddie- have you asked the Millster about the 'trash yet!
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By Eddie
I haven't seen Scott in a couple of weeks as he is not doing Top of teh Pops Plus at the moment. But never fear, next time I see him I will ask (if I rememeber!)...then I'll let you knwowhat he says!<P>Eddie

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